

Thursday, December 26, 2013


  There are numerous things I like to convey in this post. To mention some matters and relay more on others but we'll take a step at a time. Now usually I do a year-end-glanicng-back-and-learn-from-it post but like what I did last year by summing three years up, I will do the same next year because next year which is a week from now. I'll be turning Form 5, dealing with SPM, getting my driver's license, graduating with picking a prom dress at hand, and figuring myself out while preparing for my flight to USA until I get my SPM results back. I'm typing it like its a plan but really I'm shit scared at the countless unknowns but I do not ignore just the tinge of excitement found in the corner of my monochromatic heart. Though I'm not doing a look back of 2013, doesn't mean I'm not going to talk about what I've learned so far or was reminded of.

I like to say I discover a lot this year. Myself being one of my finds. I've discover more interest in DIY's, fashion, a bit of photography and editing however whats considered to be a passion would then be writing and fashion. Its almost taboo to discuss after it being discussed before about my ideals of being a full-time author. I know I could get a better and financially secure job while still writing but occasionally I can't help it. My mind wonders and before I could stress on not being able to stop it, it runs. Wherever it runs, I will think instantly. Its kinda like having anxieties and foolish ignorance in one room. Ain't that a party. I know now what I want to do more in the future. Projects that I hope to create or be a part of. I also relearned the heart of the human. I'm not saying I'm the epitome of Freud but you forget change is constant in every aspect of our lives. And this is a problem. Especially in our mindset in our relationships with others. To accurately explain to what I want you all to get. Here's a voice monologue from my one my favs, Grey's Anatomy. 

I literally went mute for about 5 minutes straight after reading this but this wasn't what reminded me, this just elucidate my experience this past year, to clarify them at one of its most truest forms. And when you begin to accept this very true fact of life, slowly or at your own pace, you feel lighter. This was one clarity I hope to never forget. When there is change, there are possibilities of anything and its size is infinite. For better of for worse, we are stuck to change by the hip. So why not make the most of it?

Next is the comfort zone. It is sometimes vital for us to cross the line of boundaries for it is within 30 seconds or more of such courage can we discover more about ourselves. I'm trying so hard not to be cliche but that ship sank long ago when I started this blog so screw that for this time cause this is real. To thread on an adventure, a path we know not, would mean to journey on with the goal of finding our calling in mind. To find where we belong and are meant to be. Sure, what suppose to happen, will happen. Not sooner, not later. However, we need to make effort from our end to pursuit it. No pain, no gain. Simple as that, and yet many times we sit in what is familiar, we lay lazy in what we have known so well and feel so comfortable in. But it is not in the familiar do we grow. It is not in the use of an old key are we able to open a new door. We just exist in so much comfort and simply existing is awful, one of the height of tortures. Imagine Sherlock Holmes ( Benedict Cumberbatch or Robert Downey Jr., whichever your heart desires, they both are tantalizing to the intellectual senses ) who has no job at hand. He doesn't figure out murders or he isn't chasing after Professor Moriarty. He will be insane and not in the usual good kind. It does not do for me nor I truly believe even for you, my readers, for us to be in a state of stagnation such in a way that it stresses badly on us more so than we are busy with work. Its like we agree we love to do nothing but at the same time we can't do nothing either. We are made to function, to DO. It is undeniable. 

So there are more to type but I will leave that on the next time as that would mean there is a next time to look forward to. If you have an opinion of your own just comment here that you post about it! Hehe, bye guys!

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