

Monday, December 30, 2013


  Continuing off what I need to write off from before. Its less than 2 hours from typing this till New Year's Eve. Lots of people don't celebrate this as much, of course frequent annual celebrations like in New York and other places. Those who don't celebrate won't really feel the big deal out of this occasion but you can't escape from December's spell. You will always look back at the year and go through what you've been through which is always making you think "I've been through a lot.". I look back on my instagram and fill in the "deleted" scenes between them whilst remembering. Its overwhelming but 2013 is still an amazing year. Its a transition from a lot of things I'm used to and I don't think I'm finished. I'm still going through my metamorphosis. I'm no adult yet but it is said that the maximum age from teenager/young adult to just adult is 20 and I feel like I'm in the middle of teenager to young adult. I'm not even close to losing the "young" in some aspects of my mind set or habits or personality but I've feel I am bit by bit. But New Year's Eve, the last day till a new year begins. And as we say/kiss/whisper/mentally state goodbye to this year, we ready ourselves to embrace, to greet hello to the new year. So I like approach those reading before the New Year. 

  When we say goodbye, we have to do it proper. To let go some burdens in any form. Whether a bad breakup (friendship or romance), an embarrassing trauma, that horrible comment from someone about you that you can't forget. We let go. I like to visualize my "weigh" as something just going away from me till I can see it with imagination and the closing of my eye. Goodbye means that and it means also to gain a bit more freedom for yourself. You deserve it. Sometimes you even owe yourself that very act. Its not simple, easier said (or typed) than done but the results is worth it. Donating things you don't give much attention to helps in lifting things off you and give you the same lighter feel effect too. Charity. Forgiveness. Release.

  This is also a more special and in-the-moment time to be thankful aside from reflecting. Be grateful what you went through. That you achieved what you have achieved. That you gain memories and met the people you've met in your life. This is the time to celebrate that gratitude because not only can we be thankful, we can be in joy and bask in the good we have piled and collected. Best part is that you're not the only one, the people still standing by around you is going through this phase too. Why not hang together dressed up, with a bit more skip in your steps and good food and let good vibes run through you all the way till the tips of your fingers. Let it just emanate off you like you're wearing your heart out your sleeves.

  And as New Year's Day gets closer, we resolute. We take our new spirit and drive us to be better than the year that pass. To be good. To be kind. In all we do. We tell ourselves "I will be better" and sure the hype of this time even to those who celebrate New Year's Eve may not last through out the year but we resolute still. We strive and wish still. What is so wrong with the concept of wanting to be better?  Nothing. The whole of humanity continues to tell themselves to go another extra mile and we should commend ourselve at the difference we brought ourselves now from before. We are still the same yet we are not. For better or worse we change and that is unstoppable. So we make promises, meaningful ones. To ourselves, to those we love and care. Why? Because in each new year, we get a second chance at another year. A fresh start. Another slate to fill. The first page to write on a 365 paged book. Get rid of old bad habits like postponing errands or letting a chance go. Learn new patterns to etch in yourself like a thinking where we stop wondering "what if's" and think about "what will be". What could be instead of what can't be. Sure there are things out of our control but we still have a shot at it because we tend to forget what we can control. I mean, we have another chance to get it right this time people!

  So if you're not the type to celebrate New Year's Eve, make a tradition for yourself. A tradition/trend is always started by one person and soon the next after all. It really lifts your spirit, as equally as Christmas does. Eventually you get yourself somewhere with that tradition, soon you can even end up celebrating with someone too. Take it upon yourself to do things for yourself. To do things differently or making a difference. Be human, don't forget your roots. Refresh yourself! Jog, be healthy! And to get you into a more New Years mood here are some pointers.

  • Listen to "This is the New Year" by Ian Axel or best uplifting and motivational songs of 2013
  • Micheal Buble is a great companion before counting down to midnight
  • Dress extra special or wear something that makes you feel good
  • List 5 things newly good about you throughout the year or your major achievements or things you never thought you EVER do but DID it
  • Be excited for another phase of endless possibilities
  • Do and give something for others. A compliment or a smile goes a long way.
  • Try and get an old promise/resolution done before the countdown, its more exhilarating and you are more likely to succeed to get it done.
  • Whatever it is, do it. There are only so many tomorrow's
  • You may or may not be a bit more rounder but you're sure as hell a bit more wiser
  • The best is yet to come.

 And before I go, I never really talk about New Years and go for Christmas but I forget that I do especially celebrate New Year too. Being in the mood just makes me feel like spreading it to you guys. I'm going to celebrate tomorrow night, definitely counting down and taking candid shots. I wish you all many things for the New Year but above all, I wish you all happiness and prosperity! Ciao guys.

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