

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This is not the story

I mean its STILL my blog where i say what I wanna say and I intend to keep it that way! I feel like clearing up a theory. Or my point of view.

Reality is like slap you get in your face. At times the slap gets harder and harder. Which answer the question. Who is the biggest bitch of all? Reality. Its both a bitch and at times a friend. Its like being drug with an overdose of cruelty and have very little hope to go to rehab and recover. The cure? It takes will, courage, and a never ending spirit to NOT give up but lets face it. Who really has that and survive to the end. We all have mostly regrets and very little things to be proud of.

Hell it sounds like we're pretty much fucked up aren't we? But that just it. We're suppose to fucked up and get it over with. Avoiding dodging balls of "FUCK!" moments and feelings. Preventing getting stabbed in the heart. Watching out from falling into the very pits of a different "hell". That don't mean reality doesn't have a different "heaven" as well.

If we're lucky, we're struck by a love cupid. We land onto the clouds of smartness. Invited to a wonderland of fun and randomness. The flaw of it is that those chances are hard to find or sometimes keep. Reality just isn't balanced. Reality itself have quite unfair rules. The kind of rules you have in school and wish to break it. Those who go by the rules will survive but will they be happy? Those who goes against the rules either are stupid dumb asses who have no brains how to fight against it and end up punished or those who are careful, smart, observant, determined won't get punish that easily and might actually be able to keep being in the "heaven".

I'm like that. I balance though. I go against stuff way beyond what other teens (who my mum refers to normal GOOD kids) and at the same time I suffer a few consequences too but so far I rather suffer those punishments than the other punishment people go through. I'm thick skinned and hell I hate to be messed with. I did some stuff that I guess considered overboard but I'm not wild or anything at the very least. My sanity is still intact. I don't smoke drug, or even smoke. I don't drink and I never did IT. At the very least, physically I'm still pure. I never been physically hurt but emotionally yes. So I keep my heart's sanctuary at a place so far away that I THINK no boy can reach.

Well now I'm done and feel much better =W=~
I feel at total cosma peace