
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Standing on electrical wires
Pigeons are just such daredevils. They clutch their claws onto those electrical cords like its nothing but I always just thought that very action wasn't very wise. You think you'll find roasted birds down by the road underneath those things but you don't. Pigeons are legitimately hardcore, except when they fly away from you holding not even a crumb of bread to pay for they company. Their kinda bitchy that way but hey, aren't we all secretly at times?
So its 9 in the morning, I've just took my bath and did my usual face regime which includes pretty much cleansing, toning and a quick swab of SPF. My mom just got back from her blood test and shes feeling tired so I let her. Despite my stomach growling, I have the highest tolerance for an empty stomach. My head is in a random pile of thoughts that needs to be type, regardless of coordination of the topics or fact and even more so with what I have in mind. I need a brain wash.
This year have past like the episodes of a season and only the dramas and significant event comes to my mind but there are also the little things about the people around me and me around the people. When someone throws their head back to laugh, the stifling smiles and the roundabout choice of words aimed to make their intention semi-permeable to people they know.We're all just this one big pile of flaws, stitched together by good intentions.
I've draft this and is continuing to type it at 7.28pm now. Listening to my all time favourite Florence and the machines. I spent the day taking pictures of people from the car around the city, I had a few suspicious stares for my brazen act today. I've just text my co-photographer if she was ready for tomorrow's shoot but no reply which inclines me to be a tinsy bit anxious though she mostly like just don't have her phone right now. Strict Asian parents guys. And I also texted of our models if she officially had the full OK for the next day to which seem just a partial OK so far to my knowledge and she isn't answering. I'm hoping she gets my message and answer me stat for I fear that I'll have wronged my Mom in getting up early and picking her up from her house first before destination when it turns out she can't go at all. This does not only wasted gas, time, money and sleeping minutes but which decreases trust and no one can afford to lose trust with their parents, not me. Anxious anxious.
While out text snapping with my babe, I was also trying to find bubble liquid with the blower. I least wanted a bottle with a simple shaped blower but more ideally one with a heart shape. However Giant is the supermarket that sold ones with weird out shapes of blowers and barely enough bottle of bubble liquid. Why I remember finding these guys just anywhere in abundance at the most local shop for such a cheap cheap cheap price. I eventually found one that was the least normal of shapes which is these line of circles arranged from big to small of a blower that provided a good enough amount of liquid. Now I wanted two bottles for one for each of our two models but it cost RM8.90 per bottle which is absuuuurrrddd. Like really? REALLY? I would pay nearly RM18 for two so I immediately just bought one without a second thought. Sure they had the ones where you use a gun or blow in a horribly ugly pipe but it wasn't what I wanted for my pictures which what made finding old school bubble bottle so hard to find for me.
Well, I hope tomorrow will make it all worth it. I'll be smelling in the ocean. Hopefully we'll capture a lot of light and just expressions. And hopefully my effort in reading and a few days practising will be evidently good enough for myself. And that is for today, again wish me luck tomorrow.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Bring out the lenses
So here is that promised Monday post. I've just finished my last exam day and totally did not know that there was school tomorrow still which is unfortunate since I made plans but then again I might cancel since my Mom more keen on the fact I should go, though I'm convinced I'll be the only girl in my class if that were to happen.
So my friends and I are going somewhere with our plans on our photoshoot but still not enough is confirmed to officially send of the OK of this event.
Still my friend who is the other more awesome than I photographer/editor lend me an all-you-need-to-know-on-cameras book that I'm reading from to help be more reacquainted with my old baby as you can see from the photo above. I need to really be creative in order to do my 'Idle' themed series.
Wish me luck guys <3
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Blowing the dust off
Hi. I go by the name Sweetme. I hope I'm not quite forgotten. Or maybe I am and if so, I shall remind you all again.
Okay now that we got the odd introduction aside, I would like to apologize for my absence. Due to my life as a student and my obligations towards my other artistic interest, my laptop have been collecting dust. Literally. I had to wipe it clean and as you can see I just changed the blog's background and template. Now its just posting something to bring this whole site alive
Anyway,I bear good news, at least I hope it is to anyone who enjoys reading my posts or still does. So I'm not sure if I mention before but I got 3 A's for PMR which validated me to get a tablet from my brother, Melvin. Despite how he may be, he loves to spoils me on anything technology and internet related. Its his lane of expertise and got me a Nexus 7. You don't know this but my brother is not in favour of apple products and I was okay with anything as long as I got my own tablet thus explain his choice.
I'm a pretty humble person with technology. I've never ask much of it and my phone is a simple slide up nokia. Now I've got projects and plenty of innovations to achieve, so you'll be seeing me a lot in the next 2 weeks. Especially with my tablet, I think you'll find loads of posts and hopefully pictures as well. I'm loving my nexus right now and we've bonded. I took a lot of selfies and my favourite part of all is getting to check my emails. Granted its use is limited without the internet or any wifi but my emails will be there and I can catch up with everything. Both my contacts and my accounts. Call me weird but I feel bliss at that one perk. And for those who don't know, watsapp and the like aren't completely compatible with my tablet so just try and find me through either line or kakao talk.
I'll admit I've been editing a lot. I can't put a label as to what are my photos are cause I'm not sure of myself but I'll always take ones that inspire me to quote them. I used mostly ones I know and put quotes of my own at times as well. I am even thinking of trying to set up a shoot with a good frined of mine
I've also been keen on DIY's and yes, still into make-up. In fact I got a couple of DIY projects that I am co-operating with a very interested friend as a surprise for other friends. You know who you are haha. I'm so stoke about the holidays that I can't wait. Will post again on Monday! Bye guys!