It is a topic that I somewhat bring up for a few moment in very little post so here it is. Lately I've been trying to change myself and I'm trying to live life as it is for me. I'm trying to not over analyze life. I'm just going along the borders and getting through hurdles without sweating over the unimportant. I'm trying to kill some old habit but as the saying goes "Old habits die hard".I won't specifically state my reason to reform myself but one of the main things were how I wanted to be known and remember as. I'm trying to get myself straight and to try not to get the negatives effect me. Like who cares if I look like a weirdo dancing to random music playing? I mean what are you suppose to do when there is an awesome groove music on? Stand around and quietly sing the lyrics without showing a smile to it? Thats pretty darn weird for me! Sure I may do quite weird moves but hey Jagger did his own thing base on his mere feelings and everyone didn't mind, so why should you be so shy? I'm trying to pull away from people who may be bad influence. Not obviously but if say you do something that I myself would not want to do as a person, then fine but if you reach out to me with that bad trait I'll be like running or pushing your hand away or start insulting you or scolding you instinctively (Note: You all been warn!!).
I've tried not to cursed and I'm open to doing things I've never thought I've been able to do. Though is not as easy as it may seem but as I'm changing old bad traits comes out and I'm trying to minimize them. I've been actually LOOKING on the bright side. I've have reform a purpose that is enough for me to live a life. I do not see why people would kill themselves or get abortions when they have such a lovely chance? Sure they may been billions of people on this earth yet why is it that you of all the other more billions that could have been born is here? Sitting on your chair staring at your computer screen reading THIS? I am VERY serious when I say that every life has a purpose and to not give these lives the opportunity to do things that are probably much more better than you could have ever done in this world would be a tearful tragedy. This is for all the ladies who got pregnant and got left by their man, well let me state that even if the man that you love your all rejected you, you have a child to raise and love with all your heart. Women, men and children alike may lose the partners of their lives but they can always make and have a family. This is one of love most awesome and greatest gift and advantage. In any relationship, we are connecting to a "family". We can easily get over pain with just family. Another fact why love comes in many humane options. And to all the suicidal-ls, although you may think that you have nothing to live for but you have a great responsibility to live for the future people that will love you. So don't go to the doctors and ask to go under the knife or taking a gun and pointing it to your head, live for those who needs you. Live maybe not for yourself, but for others who needs you.
So if you read this and think "Yeah she's got a point. I should do the same as well!" MEAN it. PROVE it. Stop procrastinating and mean what you say or think. And if you think this is all bullshit then at least respect me as the human that we all are, and don't influence me and don't bother with me cause I don't need people like that around me. So I'm not telling you to change but I hope that y'all at least respect that and not provoke me and in return I'll do the same? Comprande? Thanks. Peace and Love!