Exams are over, I have manage to catch up with all 15 mangas and 10 online stories. I have a hangout tomorrow! WoOotz~!! I am learning to be considerate and I'm happier nowadays believe it or not. I've brought the serious me that I usually don't show and I've feel much happier. I've hope you all did not forget your competition! Remember its due date can come in a blink of eye if you don't do something now. I've been feeling enlighten to point that I've feel that I've mark something and that I need no longer need to impress or to act dully unnecessarily anymore. I've got new stuff. BWAHAHAHA. Let's see what else is going on in this crazy world..Oh yeah, now that exams and studies of this year are out the window..This calls for FUN!! and PARTAY! and TIME WITH FRIENDS and FAMILY. So if you have a wish or things you wanna accomplish this year, NOW is the perfect time to do so cause we've got exactly 2 month to do whatever the hell we want before this year end. So my readers, I don't know about you but I think I may do a few daring things before this year ends. Got any ideas what you guys want me to do? List it in the comments and i'll see to it. Bye and hv fun suggesting~
could you give me the personality profile for each char. for the story?