
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
To both singles and couples out there! Valentine's Day isn't only for people whose in love but with for just about hanging with people you care. It isn't corny or lame if its your Mum, Best Friend and well anyone you care about works great as well too. I for one didn't quite spent mine today with just sulking at my single status. I got some snacks from my Mum from Taiwan and she had this huge packets full of small packets of mochi flavored fruits and I was able to spread the love around the school a bit. I gave to all my close friends and some Teachers who seem surprisingly more than just pleasantly happy. Heck I may have been the first student who gave them a Valentine gift. Plus I also got to lighten up some friends of mine who are single that although their ain't in a relationship, they still got a gift from someone for Valentines. So I feel pretty good for having done that today!
Of course I would have love to give you guys some love but since this is the internet, I can only give you a virtual hug. So don't just sit alone at home. Watch a movie with a single friend or get out there and have some fun on your own!
PS. I got another chance for that offense I did previously so I didn't get any sort of punishment. This makes my day even better!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Well what a day
Its the most fucked up day I hate about. Many things happen today like a fellow friend fainted, I've got so much homework and the very highlight of my day was something that totally ruined my whole day and to which why I am writing this. My close friend who started home schooling this year had came over to visit me and my other friends because her Mum and her were picking her little sister that schools in the primary school nearby. If you want to visit someone from my school, you need to go down to the office for a pass as permission. No pass, you trespasser. You're a student who hang with a trespasser is considered to have commit the offense of "Bringing in Trespassers into school property". I didn't even know the bell rang for class so we got another offense we committed called "Escaping Class." Now we have to wait for tomorrow for this trial where the Board of Disciplinary (BOD or in other words a group of most of the teachers) will hear our story of what happen and conclude a verdict of what action should be taken to punish us and the Disciplinary Teacher that caught us has scare the crap out of us by telling us that our punishment might even be suspension. Hell I would rather clean the toilets or clean the WHOLE school than get suspended. I can't afford to lose any lessons nuh-uh. I HATE to be left behind at lessons.
So finger crossed. I hope God would be merciful and somehow crack a miracle to not getting me suspended and my friends as well. We know our mistake but I still don't agree I did "bring" my friend to school. She came to school on her own damn accord! We didn't bring her at all. I will admit escaping class cause its irresponsible of me to not hear the bell. I just hope with all my heart that things won't go so bad as it is Valentine's Day. I don't want to scar my whole life in remembering that on such a day that I had made the worse most terrible mistake at high school. I am proud to say that despite feeling dreadful, at least I didn't run away nor did I hesitate or reluctantly acted during the time we had to speak to the Disciplinary Teacher. I am giving myself a small thumbs up for that.
Anyway to end this post a little bit more lightheartedly, I am proud and extremely happy for Adele SIX Grammy Wins. Congratulations to her! She deserves it and she looks gorgeous as you can see in the picture above!! I hope she continue to produce even more great songs!!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Rest in Peace Whitney Houston
I give my condolences to Whitney Houston's family and friends. Although I'm not much of a listener to her, I acknowledge her beautiful gifted voice that although have died with her, will remain immortal in our memories. Death is never happy neither is it ever inevitable but I believe she is up there somewhere with God, singing to him and to everybody who misses her down here to tell she is at wonderful peace.
Rest in peace Whitney Houston!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Mama's home!
My Mum is back from her trip and I'm surprised to find out that she bought more stuff for ME rather than for HER. Like literally. She didn't even finish the money cause the group she was with were such a "beast" of a shopper that they just couldn't stop and my Mum was extremely tired.
I'm loving my Mum to the death of her because what she bought me was more than my expectations. I've got a grey leather jacket, denim jacket (I'll practically squeal that she actually found it) , green sport jacket, brown leather jacket (I love this the most! It fit great on any figure!), a vintage pink dress top with a cotton crop to match, a floral tank top, this dark fustian sweater with the brand name "Vivienne Westwood", a really long length striped hoodie saying I'm from Philadelphia (hahahahah XD) and a grey leopard patterned flats! That a lot to shop for your daughter in a 5 day trip. Its almost crazy! My Mum says she saw so many awesome things for me that she just bought more than what she usually does.
I actually got 6 homework today and that made me SO incredibly moody but after seeing my Mum back and my new clothes, I'm a happy little girl right now. Hehe.
Now I kinda dress all I want! Bwahahahhaa. I feel alive and ready to strut the town. I'll probably do it later. Hehe. Bye guys! Hope you have an awesome day!
I'm loving my Mum to the death of her because what she bought me was more than my expectations. I've got a grey leather jacket, denim jacket (I'll practically squeal that she actually found it) , green sport jacket, brown leather jacket (I love this the most! It fit great on any figure!), a vintage pink dress top with a cotton crop to match, a floral tank top, this dark fustian sweater with the brand name "Vivienne Westwood", a really long length striped hoodie saying I'm from Philadelphia (hahahahah XD) and a grey leopard patterned flats! That a lot to shop for your daughter in a 5 day trip. Its almost crazy! My Mum says she saw so many awesome things for me that she just bought more than what she usually does.
I actually got 6 homework today and that made me SO incredibly moody but after seeing my Mum back and my new clothes, I'm a happy little girl right now. Hehe.
Now I kinda dress all I want! Bwahahahhaa. I feel alive and ready to strut the town. I'll probably do it later. Hehe. Bye guys! Hope you have an awesome day!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Day 5 of WW3
Today is the last official day of WW3 with my Dad till tomorrow my Mum comes home. Remember that in the previous post I mention we were in war with awkwardness. Well if I had to say even though it isn't over yet, I say Dad and I won a little bit more than awkwardness did.
Took my science test and made 5 careless mistake that I am vigorously scolding myself about. I am also not over feel angry about not being able to get marks for my Geo homework since I completely forgot to pass it up and instead had marks minus.
I've got some homework to complete and this lyric thing my friends decided to due out of pure boredness but I seem to not get the whole tune right and may postpone it for tomorrow.
Dad is here and he got my favorite garlic bread that he always seems to know when the bakery near my house sell while as I go there have poor luck to find them selling they're at the right time. Dad may not have much luck on lotteries anymore but he does have unbelievable luck in getting those bread! It almost seem too suspicious..
Oh well got to go and eat! Bye guys!
Took my science test and made 5 careless mistake that I am vigorously scolding myself about. I am also not over feel angry about not being able to get marks for my Geo homework since I completely forgot to pass it up and instead had marks minus.
I've got some homework to complete and this lyric thing my friends decided to due out of pure boredness but I seem to not get the whole tune right and may postpone it for tomorrow.
Dad is here and he got my favorite garlic bread that he always seems to know when the bakery near my house sell while as I go there have poor luck to find them selling they're at the right time. Dad may not have much luck on lotteries anymore but he does have unbelievable luck in getting those bread! It almost seem too suspicious..
Oh well got to go and eat! Bye guys!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Day 4 of WW3
Today was abnormally normal. Well I laugh a hell lot during my Leo Club's meeting because we kept joking about things which may have annoyed a few people. Sorry. Then we had 30 minutes before school end and played Big Wind Blow. I had a whole lot of fun then. I'm so glad I only went up twice or not if I did went up the third time to tell what the wind blow. I will be forced to do the chicken dance and I kinda forgot bits of it. Ha.
My Dad picked me up and I realize you can REALLY actually trust him with parenting works like delivering pizzas for a class party or picking your kid up a few minutes early before she finish school so that she doesn't have to wait for you and you can save her the trouble, if he does not work at all. If he has a holiday for more than 3 days, he totally will do them like a pro of a Dad. Like as if he never miss the most half of your life or he has never once ignore your plea of attention. Sorry that was a bit going too personal but I still have issues with him anyway.
I'm stealing glances at the TV cause there is Hell Kitchen on and I never watch it for the food no, I watch it to see the competitors rip each other and Chef Ramsey totally screwing them with his merciless scream of no pity. One of the competitors just confessed that she used to have a crush on this other competitor and I'm calling that guy an idiot because his sing song the words "She liikkkeee me. She thinks IIII'mmmm cuuuutteee." which made me laugh a bit cause he's a grown man and he's singing on one of the most popular shows about how vainly happy he is because of a confession. Note she said used to.
Ooooo How I met you Mother is on! See ya peeps! Comment if you want a reply!
My Dad picked me up and I realize you can REALLY actually trust him with parenting works like delivering pizzas for a class party or picking your kid up a few minutes early before she finish school so that she doesn't have to wait for you and you can save her the trouble, if he does not work at all. If he has a holiday for more than 3 days, he totally will do them like a pro of a Dad. Like as if he never miss the most half of your life or he has never once ignore your plea of attention. Sorry that was a bit going too personal but I still have issues with him anyway.
I'm stealing glances at the TV cause there is Hell Kitchen on and I never watch it for the food no, I watch it to see the competitors rip each other and Chef Ramsey totally screwing them with his merciless scream of no pity. One of the competitors just confessed that she used to have a crush on this other competitor and I'm calling that guy an idiot because his sing song the words "She liikkkeee me. She thinks IIII'mmmm cuuuutteee." which made me laugh a bit cause he's a grown man and he's singing on one of the most popular shows about how vainly happy he is because of a confession. Note she said used to.
Ooooo How I met you Mother is on! See ya peeps! Comment if you want a reply!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Day 3 of WW3
This is not a war between the argument of a father and a daughter no. This is a war of of excruciating awkwardness. Its used to be just conversation where we only say thing we're suppose to like telling each other thank you or what time to pick me up. Nothing more but its slowly coming down. Slowly. I'm dreading a bit over tomorrow for I'm still quite worried about not passing my Science test. Gah!!
Couldn't bring myself to bring my polaroid today because I couldn't sleep for a whole hour because my conscience kept constantly reminding me about the time I brought my DS to school and the letter I wrote to the discipline teacher. I got so scared and just need some sleep that took out the cam out from my bag and put it back in the drawers. Only then could I sleep.
As an apology, I brought my chips and gave it to my friend. They didn't finish it and the one who ends up bringing it home was Fran which I only realize until she gets in her car to go home. Hahaha. Smooth one Fran. Smooth one.
Not much to say this time. I had fun at school celebrating chinese new year late but even without the cam, my friends still forgiven me and thinks we can have plenty of fun. I'm such a lucky person to have such wonderful friends!
Couldn't bring myself to bring my polaroid today because I couldn't sleep for a whole hour because my conscience kept constantly reminding me about the time I brought my DS to school and the letter I wrote to the discipline teacher. I got so scared and just need some sleep that took out the cam out from my bag and put it back in the drawers. Only then could I sleep.
As an apology, I brought my chips and gave it to my friend. They didn't finish it and the one who ends up bringing it home was Fran which I only realize until she gets in her car to go home. Hahaha. Smooth one Fran. Smooth one.
Not much to say this time. I had fun at school celebrating chinese new year late but even without the cam, my friends still forgiven me and thinks we can have plenty of fun. I'm such a lucky person to have such wonderful friends!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Day 2 of WW3
My face right now as I'm typing and watching computer and TV at the same time. If you click the pic, you'll even see how I drink my beverage! Woopie Doo!Stuck at home again today. My Dad went out to do his little business which I've never want to follow and I confirmed he's handling me safely by giving my a fairly good number of chores and in return, allowing me be a lazy ass stay in home and I don't mind it not one single bit. I much prefer it this way anyway.
I have been able to catch up with a few shows and even gotten to watch movies I missed. I have been constantly fussing over this flaw on my face which is this one pimple that I sort of disturbed and now it'll take a few days to heal when I really need it to heal tomorrow for my mustache cam-whoring session with my friends. GAH!!!
All in all so far its okay but I'm not looking forward to tonight's dinner with my uncle. Ah how I wish I could spend this day with some friends and just hang out or something. I'm not made to be introverted unless I'm mega depressed. I mean I have most of the curtains in my house closed so it looks all cosy and only the small windows are open to faintly lit the rooms in all the right places. I'm even considering to play a mario game.ALONE. Terrifying I know.
Oh if you're reading this my dear friends, now that I am open for a chat tonight. I will be needing it to keep me sane from going mentally crazy out of boredom during tonight. Like seriously, and I will text back kay? You guys would make my day extremely great if you did.
The not depressed introvert that need some sociallizing!!
Now what do I do? Maybe I should get a pet? Maybe steal an elephant from the zoo. Yeah that sound cool. I'm sure all the neighbors wouldn't mind and all I have to do is get rid of the elephant and maybe hide it in Aniko's house? She has plenty of pets there. Think she can handle having another one to her miniature animal kingdom. Eh Aniko? I bet her bro with be so stellar having a pet elephant he can show off. Hahaha. Then I'll steal a monkey and hide in Chan Yng restaurant. She can probably train to count cash or even better, with a wig, a pair of glasses and clothes, it can't pretend to be her! Her lil bro and sis wouldn't even notice the difference if we're successful on the disguising part.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Day 1 of WW3
Mum left at 4AM in the morning today and my Dad doesn't seem to expect me to run back to sleep after sending her off but I'm not gonna offer such expectation. Then when we arrive at the airport, my cousie was there to send off her Mum with my Mum as well and I really wished I could stay over at her house.
At her house, it feel likes a second home to me. I don't feel awkward as she is just as understanding as a Mum and she has a normal experienced Dad that treats me like his daughter sometimes. They know where my school is too and what time to pick me up. Dad doesn't know the time. He doesn't even know that every school leaves early on Fridays. I dressed nicely when I went to airport for some reason that I couldn't phantom but I wanted to take a bath seeing if I got back to sleeping and wake up, I don't have to do bath when I'm pretty I feel lazy. I wore a green emerald tank top and my light navy blue sweater and purple shorts. When I went there, I notice people kept staring at me and debated themselves whether or not I was the one travelling. Then as my Mum check in with her group, I notice she had a face of embracing herself for travelling with people she never travel with without her own crew of family like me and Dad.
So because of that expression on my dear mother, I shall do the same by embracing myself too but I still can't help but doubting about this week. If I were at my cousie's, I had the best week ever since we're practically like sisters to each other. I could have fun at school during CNY with my polaroid and come back to home and show her the pictures I take and she'll be honestly interested in knowing about my day rather than my Dad. Its hurtful to say this about my Dad but I can't lie. I can't pretend he's the best Dad ever but I can say he's trying, but not exactly trying rightly. I just woke up and he went out to order take aways for breakfast which I don't mind.
I prayed after coming back from the airport and before sleeping that Mum and everyone I know be okay and blessed and guided. I prayed that I get the patience ,endurance and will that I may need this week. I hope my prayers is answered.
I have no idea what we're doing tonight but I'm hoping that we won't go anywhere this afternoon. Dad's home got to go. Fingers crossed.
At her house, it feel likes a second home to me. I don't feel awkward as she is just as understanding as a Mum and she has a normal experienced Dad that treats me like his daughter sometimes. They know where my school is too and what time to pick me up. Dad doesn't know the time. He doesn't even know that every school leaves early on Fridays. I dressed nicely when I went to airport for some reason that I couldn't phantom but I wanted to take a bath seeing if I got back to sleeping and wake up, I don't have to do bath when I'm pretty I feel lazy. I wore a green emerald tank top and my light navy blue sweater and purple shorts. When I went there, I notice people kept staring at me and debated themselves whether or not I was the one travelling. Then as my Mum check in with her group, I notice she had a face of embracing herself for travelling with people she never travel with without her own crew of family like me and Dad.
So because of that expression on my dear mother, I shall do the same by embracing myself too but I still can't help but doubting about this week. If I were at my cousie's, I had the best week ever since we're practically like sisters to each other. I could have fun at school during CNY with my polaroid and come back to home and show her the pictures I take and she'll be honestly interested in knowing about my day rather than my Dad. Its hurtful to say this about my Dad but I can't lie. I can't pretend he's the best Dad ever but I can say he's trying, but not exactly trying rightly. I just woke up and he went out to order take aways for breakfast which I don't mind.
I prayed after coming back from the airport and before sleeping that Mum and everyone I know be okay and blessed and guided. I prayed that I get the patience ,endurance and will that I may need this week. I hope my prayers is answered.
I have no idea what we're doing tonight but I'm hoping that we won't go anywhere this afternoon. Dad's home got to go. Fingers crossed.
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