
Monday, April 16, 2012
To DewberryRaynefall
This post is dedicated to my friend who has a liking towards someone. Now I don't know who this guy is and I don't she plans to tell me but I am always believer in giving things a try and I guess I would like to say that there are many happiness in this world that is planned for only certain people at a certain time. The thing is though, we don't know whether we're that person or which time or what happiness we are meant to take. So we can only keep trying. Your own happiness can only be grasp by you yourself. No other and thing about this is that you can only go for it while you pray and hope it'll turn out for the better.
Its like a gamble we make everyday but that doesn't mean you should stop there. Like YOLO and my other fav motto Carpe Diem (mean Seize the Day!). Here is a question you should ask:
Plus if things don't go as they plan, don't worry. You got us crazy bunch to bring you back up. Even we will pray things will go great for you y'know? And don't underestimate that for a single second. Well thats about it, I hope you appreciate how much I mean everything said because its not often I dedicate a post to someone while adding one of my best picture out of my collection. Ciao amigos!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Insecure abt yourself?
Well then try read this!
In other words, everybody is beautiful. However sometimes beauty is within the eyes of the beholder. So work on the inside first than the outside.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
I just watched the 3D movie of Titanic and I had to admit, it was a real experience. Even though I had watched that movie so many time on my own TV, it gave a more grasping experience as to what it was really like for those people 100 years ago. I cried even before they got too the sad scene because what went through my head again and again was that "That sort of tragedy actually happened." Can you believe it all happened on 15th April 1912? After a bit of researching, there was actually a man name Jack Dawson that died on Titanic. A cheery women with the title "Unsinkable Molly Brown". A band member that had played his last hymn "Autumn" as Titanic sanked, named Wallace Hartley. I admired both Molly and Wallace spirit as Titanic sank. Especially Wallace because he tried to calmed people or even my view, played everyone's last song like a funeral but in the most subtle and caring matter that it didn't seem regretful. I salute you guys for that.
The movie also not only emphasize on how people wanted so much to live with scenes of punching some of the employees their meaningless orders of staying behind or money being used to trifle a space on the boat but also how people accepted death and decides they held their pride and let others be saved. How gentlemen decided to be in their best tux and to die as gentlemen. How fathers and lovers fight for both children and women to be saved despite the heart wrenching farewell they had to do.
It was also sad at how the ship were expected to be the ship of dreams to those people. That it was built for a happy purpose, though with the unnecessary categorizing of class. Whether they were bad or good, they all had dream. To live even better at New York. To have had a huge loss at all those chances was something my mind could not comprehend to have accept nor for my heart to bear.I often dream of walking down Titanic's smooth wooden floor. Walking the famous Grand Staircase that had a beautiful domed-shaped ceiling that will make you in awe of it. Listening to the small clinks and clanks of new porcelain dishes.
I am so grateful for James Cameron for writing and directing Titanic as well as able to connect loads of the real facts about the real Titanic. His dedication to rebuilding Titanic to resemble it as close as the original is something far more than just commendable and to make sure it delivers a realistic hold on its audience was something I shall always admire. The moving romance between Rose and Jack is something I will forever learn from as to never give up on something that is worth myself to never let go. (The pic above is my favorite lines from the film). Especially Jack always positive thinking of the unexpected of Life itself. The way he saved Rose in every way a person can be saved.
I'm dedicating this post to the one thousand five hundred and seventeen lives that were lost. Many of the survivors have as well passed on, as well as the last survivor of Titanic, Millvina Dean, who had died at the age of 97 years old. I do not hope for Titanic to be seen as something that was a horrible ship, just the tragic disaster that had come upon it. I like think it was a magnificent ship that knows forever sleeps deep within Ocean's depths.
Rest in peace people of Titanic, you shall be remembered as time stretches to its end.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
I've been ignorant
Not in a bad sense nor for a bad situation but lately I've been so into my current work which is my PMR that seems to be a constant excuse for me to keep dwelling myself in work together with my friends but I almost forgot about other things. Things that are so important me and although I was getting used to its absence, most of me were ready to not see it ever again. However, a small part of me wished that I see them again
There has been so many stuff going on and I'm pretty sure its not just me but time seems to speed up a lot this year. Like its helping get over this huge obstacle of my last year as a lower form student as fast as it can. I mean its April already! It felt like just yesterday I was still in the middle of February. And during the fast phase of time, I had loads of stuff going on and today I sort of almost fainted with vague memories of what had happen since I had some conscience left in me. I saw white splotches everywhere but I manage to keep awake and I'm sure of that since I saw a few people's faces and I'm sure in between the tempting provoking of my mind to tell me to sleep and from my desire to stay awake. I've done some PRETTY embarrassing things but you know what screw even more, I can't recall what really happened. Not one bit. GAH.
Anyway, not the point of this post, suddenly I see things a bit slower in a more steadier pace that I realized people whom I was once expected to see even though now I don't. This person seem to affect in a manner that wasn't at all moving but it was a familiar gesture that I was fond of. Maybe still even am. Who knows. The heart is strange contraption that almost seem unpredictable. However, I'm not hoping anything from this sudden appearance of this person. I've grown through stuff to know what to expect and what not to expect. Though sometimes its exciting when the unexpected comes at you right?
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