
Friday, May 11, 2012
Bipolar Wednesday
I do not know where to begin. Nor do I think I can go to the beginning but then there wouldn't be a need to post this so.. Deep breath. Exhale. Okay. It all began waking up at 7 in the morning. Already informing on a trustworthy friend of my expected absence through sms last night, I played a bit of nintendo. My cousin warned me not to come out for a shower yet since she needed do a bit of cleaning and when I finally can take a shower, I grab my stuff for a simple breakfast of ham and cheese toast with Sam, my cousin. We talk at about her stupid lecturer who last minute gave them a tough job that needed the internet to complete when he told him yesterday not to bring their laptop. Seeing she too did not go to class, she was informed that they were given the task today, the horrid Wednesday, and finish this afternoon. I mused over the ridiculous irresponsibility her lecturer been and gladly lent a hand in venting her anger about it which in my opinion, she had the right too.
After that we went home and I managed to gain a set of new cheats for Mario Bros for a bit and when it was almost nearing 12am, we went off to Terminal 1.I had wear my long sleeve loose shirt of "Life is a journey towards the guiding light" and long skinny jeans to avoid the cold of the huge airport. I had small chatter with Sam as we both couldn't wait to FINALLY see our Mum but and hour pass and we all start to question. Sam relentlessly cursed and tried many time to access a proper internet to Facebook to see whether or not her Mum had messaged us for a delay in there flight or if my Mum post anything recent in m timeline or just to find any kind of latest news from them but none. Another more hour passed and we had shared one pack of cheesy wedges and cup of pepsi at the small section of KFC there and still no Mums. We had come for a non-existent flight since we were told they be at 12.20 but there were only random flight that didn't connect to theirs at 12.10-30am. We were getting fed up from waiting and checking the arrival list shown on the TV they had. After having concluded that they most likeliest be on the Royal Brunei Airline and much double-checking, we knew they were a flight from that same airline at 7pm and 10pm that day. So we went off to Tanjung Aru and had a full meal at the KFC there.
Sam suggested going to the beach there to which I agree. I mean, why not? So we spent 3 relaxing hours there. Sinking our legs in the damp sand as the salty water sweeps over our feet and wets our folded jeans. Taking photos along the process. I wrote a few quotes, took pictures and dig out small tiny crabs with just a wiggle of my toe. The wind blew my hair and I enjoyed it. After that we washed our legs and head towards the swings in the nearby playground they had and rest until we had to scout out for my Uncle and bought some drinks before leaving off to Terminal 1 once again.
Again, not one of our Mums are among the arrivals of tourists. Fed up mood meter has increase considerably. During the time we waited nearly another hour there, we ate McD's and checked out Diamoney. Then we decided to spend time at the shop lots that is by Beverly Hills. I was almost poofed but with the Double Cheeseburger I had, I had some adrenaline in my veins to keeps me alert.WE had to stop by a phone shop for Sam's phone to be charged since Uncle's died on him and mine could do the same just about any unpredictable time. After that we went to some 101 outlet shop selling stuff like Pick 'n' Pay, only minus anything food related and plus in children and adult clothes as well as accessories. Th shoe clothes were lame, well the material of it anyway was cheap and fake yet the price were near to unreasonable so we got out of that shop quickly and went to Milimewa Market where we tirelessly roam around looking for something to hyped us up as well as dodging the flirty attempts of male workers.
I didn't realize this but at the time, the road was damp, most shops were closed and the only light source were a few Roti Canai shops and MOSTLY from the neon names of Pubs and Bars which did disturbed me when drunkards whistle out on us from these dens of alcohol and karaoke. Our last shop raid was 7-eleven and on the way we found actually an appropriate house cat that was somewhat attracted to Sam. The feline even had the almost exact eyes of Puss in Boots. Though its fur had white,orange and black mixed. It followed us as Sam call upon it and out of pity, I bought those dry thin fish sticks and it accepted it humbly but it got fed up and wasted 3 fish sticks and continued to purr and ask for attention from Sam and I. Sam even was serious on bringing it back home! This as the part where we got really crazy.
We kept laughing ridiculously as people stare at us for we were sitting by the side walk, literally talking to the cat for its meek behavior. People of course stare at us like we're lunatics and we were very much aware of that. Later after being almost drained, drank a cup of water while watching sucky 90's chinese comedy at a restaurant, we wait at the entrance for Sam's dad to pick us up. There is a police station nearby and that because of the few pubs around in the area so they were doing their duty call and when they saw us, they look at us suspiciously. We were appropriately dressed and just because we were just a few stores away from some lame ass pub, doesn't mean we were near anything illegal.
Finally after what felt miserably long, her dad arrive and for the last time of the whole crazy night, with went back to the airport. While waiting I manage to come across Korean guards (one of them to which look quite the dashing mature guy) discussing on what barriers to put and a few calling of "Jay Park" which confirms me enough that they were planning for his Arrival to KK. Still no Mum and I got a call from my bro, Douglas while Sam was on skype on her phone who at the same time finally reach her bro and we found out from him that he has her Mum's ticket. They only arrive tomorrow at 12.
At that moment, tired and restless and feeling as screwed up as ever. I got a bit teary and mumble poetic stuff. Just going on about "How I've feel nothing. No I don't feel like shit. I just don't give a piece of shit." And slept. So yeah quite the Wednesday to which I felt totally drained from. I had fun and I got a taste of what it like to just roam around the streets acting silly at least. Partly yes of all the stress I had but mostly because of the nice crazy memories I got. I mean Sam is gonna go to Sandakan two days after her birthday next month and I knew there will be a day like that and to have real good bonding to assure me really helps to know that no matter what, we'll still be close as any sisters could.
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That's one heck of a day/night :o