
Monday, November 19, 2012
I've been a robot for the past few days and I can finally stretch my muscles and breath better. My Dad has been around and my Mom seem dead set on just treating him as a still-valued guest when he comes home. They both act very indifferent.
Mom would always reply irritably to Dad and at times, I can tell by the twitching of her eyes and the strain she puts on the muscle in her face to even try being civil infront of him instead of snappy. Its...a very painful yet truthful sight to behold. Makes me cringe when I see her try like that since it seem her efforts are just so forced, you know? When she cooks and I would tend to my duty to getting rice, I would feel a bit thrown back to see that she cooks rice enough for us two but never enough for Dad who just likes to see us eat and goes to my brother's room (his current sleeping chambers) without much of a comment. Sometimes Mom ask me to go out with him, so as she doesn't feel like shes making me pick sides when I'm just acting to my own will really. Its ridiculous when at one moment shes against him and in another she tells me that its still okay to be all comprende with Dad like on a sunny good golly day.
With my grandfather being hospitalized, he comes quite often to see him and would just randomly out of a moment of silence tell us (or me mostly) his situation and what he does when he goes out and what time he's meeting a customer and at what place. It feel like at one end he tells these things randomly without being ask because he is obliged to and at the other end, he feels it would change something. Sometimes he would invite me for a meal with him which I always just reject and tell him maybe at a better time. And by better, I mean when I can finally shrug of this stiffness I've feel when both my parent are around at home. He also constantly buys me food, especially my favorite garlic bread, and I do finish them at my own pace. Once in awhile he would even say "I don't know why your Mom hates me." and that usually cause my temper to start boiling nearly at 100 degree celcius but I usually don't answer him that question.What more he always ask me questions that he knows he can't get a calm answer from Mom. So I'm like there in-between you see.
So you can imagine how tense it is here at home. I always feel like I should keep a calm face, pressing my lips in a thin line as I can to prevent myself from letting anything unnecessary to happen in our house. He left today and my body feel relaxed and free from invisible chain of restraint and order.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Updates and travels
And here is that update I foretold if I were to feel inspired to. Few weeks ago, my grandfather fell and had went through incisions and is currently being hospitalized. He's overall going to be okay though. He's just been blur and dozed off randomly which they think its just old age. When I visited him, I found out right next to him was a prisoner with handcuffs and two policemen guarding him. I felt a slight thrill from that. Have no idea what is his crimes though.
I've been praying for my PMR results to be prosperous enough for me to earn my tablet but also keep my hopes in average levels. Don't want it crumbling down much.
I'll be going to Miri for a few days next week for 3 days for my cousin's wedding. Miri isn't as modern as KK but the party goers there are just the same and I will be enjoying the show of some spontaneous drunkards will be giving.
Straight after I come back from Miri, I have to repack again for another trip to Manila. They speak an entirely different there language but they also aren't bad with English so I'm very excited to go to another city that I have never been nor met the people there but speaking a language I love. Woots! I'll be mostly taking visit to famous churches there but I will be able to visit a couple of malls. One of the malls in which I know is super big and have one of my fav shops *drum roll* Forever21!! Hopefully it won't be too much people but I seen the winter sales and there are really cool discounts for some cute sweaters and accessories that I plan to check out.
Lots of things to do but I don't mind the work since I've been at home way too much. I need to shed off my introvert veil and get ready my sunnies and camera. Souvenirs anyone? If you got anything specific you been searching and hope to try your luck at Manila, comment and I'll see what I can do.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Its the start of the holidays and I'm spending it very normally. Sort of. My days mostly consist of intellectual time with my Oxford Dictionary. *Snort* Ha-ha-ha-HI, I'm a vocab geek. Some beauty and etiquette lessons that I took up by myself. I learned how to properly take care of my hair and how some beauty cheats. I've also learn to be a better housewife, courtesy of my mom.
I've also been watching my diet. Within my lady lessons, I've also learn to cheat from a bloated tummy in every meal. Muahahaha. As well as diligently honing my fashion sense. Like what hairstyle suit what type of dress and outfit best better than before. However during my lessons, I learn a bit about food and drinks which in the process made me switch from cow milk to soya milk. Don't ask.
My last beauty attempt was doing a quick everyday wave and saluting to protective hair serum and curling wands. My next one is doing a crown braid, just bought more bobby pin too! My future projects is homemade highlighting my hair with soft chalk. Sounds weird? A lil crazy? Well we'll see. If its really nice, I might post a pic. Might.
Despite how free I am, drama seems to have more time on her hands. Horror is also at work but thankfully decided to team up with Comedy which I think is a great duo. Its hard to be nice to those whom you're sort of expected to be mean by those important to you. This is definitely because of Karma.
I spend my time rocking out with Bjork, attempting ballet to Adele and singing purposely out of tune to Rihanna.
And thats about it amigos, any question? Or anything to say? Comment!
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