
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Hey guys, truth be told I wanted to post my story instead but the progress of it have yet to be going to a place I want to be so it'll take time. Please be patient. School is happening in 4 days and when I realize how I still feel the holiday lag and how close I am to the 2nd of January, I've feel I should be more nervous. I mean I bought the books and just miss one or two books, I bought a new pair of uniform and I've just graduated to actually getting those school shoes where you have to TIE the knots. Not sure why I decided to since I hate doing heavy labor; let alone TIE my own shoelaces. Wow, sweetme is turning 16 within four months from now and this is how matures she has gone so far. I'm legitimately awesome.
However, I still procrastinate despite having a mental note of trying to be more "active". My table which I usually clear before school starts still isn't clear and the piling mess of random books and notes and mags are still there. I really need to clear them away for space for my new textbooks. I don't even know whether I have enough stationaries but I concluded from memory that I have sufficient amount. Hopefully I'll pull through at the end of December.
So can't wait for April 2013. Why? My wonderful cousie's reception is happening and my brother from Edinburgh is coming back for it. He's even bringing my PMR gift that he has installed with plenty of books to read which includes some Lord of the Rings and the book that the movie "Hobbit" is based off. So I can't wait since its like saving lots of trees and I get to read plenty without having to visit the bookstore for awhile. Speaking of books:
Here is literally the most expensive book I have ever bought with my own money. I didn't even need to search the photo and simply use my cam to take a pic of the book itself. If you don't know who is Lauren Conrad and you consider yourself someone who has average interest in fashion or make-up, then you need to know her now. She is one of my icons and I look up to this successful women. The book not only contains beauty care and make-up with hairdos that totally expanded my world of beauty, it also shows a bit of the writer herself and how she discovers beauty as well as handling it in a way that works for her. There are even pictures of when she was just an ordinary girl who just have contact with make-up, which weren't at first successful obviously for beginners. I finished the books but I'm still paging it constantly because I'm trying it to get it imprinted in my head and to admire the wonders that it teach of repeatedly.
I've been taught all over again on vitamins and as well as how to keep fit starting with light exercise and to find balance with work and keeping fit. I even gain the habit of checking ingredients and although its weird to get a few stares from people at pharmacies or at Sasa's when you're muttering out the labels, I am slowly knowing what is worth to buy and what isn't something you want to put on your face or skin. Even my diet is slowing changing because I'm trying to change my portions and turn my intake with something that I need and is really good for me. Hopefully I can manage this slightly new diet with the school recess.
Though the book reside next to my laptop which is on the arm of the sofa, I think it may have place next to my Libba Bray books. So that concludes my update so far, please leave a comment of any of your worries on school starting soon or/and even about beauty, like do you have a beauty regime or something you do that is specifically beauty beneficial? Would love to know! Bye for now my sexy readers!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Hey amigos. Oh and congratulations for surviving the end of the world. We still got our wonderfully crazy, somewhat depressing but mostly happy life intact! *High pitch cheering* Hoorah! Hoorah! Okay that aside, its time for walking down memory lane!
So I'm going to take it back since I was form 1 because I've feel the three years I've spent would not be compared to the whole new different level of next year and that it sums up and connects together better. So I took out some pics from my phone that dates back between 2010 to this year. Though my phone sucks in terms of camera abilities so apologies.
I have to say I've been quite active in loads of things. I will forever be proud at joining my drama club in my first year in high school and although the year after that it got disbanded, it reopens for a performance next year and I manage to bag a humble position to be a part of it. I also joined a lot of fund raisers. I sold foods during a basketball fund raiser events and even got to make my dream of doing a stall with the idea of it as a bar. Though I couldn't be a bartender, was not made to be hehe but was fortunate enough to have friend who was. Check out that nice alluring non-alcoholic drink she made! We even had short straws and interesting ingredients to concoct delicious potions that we hope did not gave anyone a stomach ache.
We did had fun though. We go around, buy some snacks and even some snazy hair spraying. Here's mine with yellow and blue or was it purple? Meh. I was very active in lots of things so despite how much of a procrastinator I am, I can say I lead a fulfilling teenage life so far. I've screwed up a lot. I have piles of mistakes just staring into my soul right now but I've learn as much as I tried from them. Though that lead to so many awkward moments and irony just loves to surprise me constantly. I'm not even going to ignore the emotional sponge I've received as well. Friends fight and argue. We make up and all is well. We laugh away from everything within a minute and already we feel we have everything again for a little while. We have fun and relish in the fact that we didn't care for a moment whether we were crazy or being judged. With your close friends, how could you not anyway?
No matter how different we all were, we could get along. Talk and joke about things no one else could understand. Here's a pic of a hangout I went before with boys and girls just hanging out together. We stood together side by side as much as we could. However not everyone stayed friends in each other's eyes or heart. "We're all very lovely till we get to know each other cuz we stop becoming friends and we start becoming lovers" said a line from a song I really like. Its true too. When you're a teen, you can't help to like someone else. You simply can't.
Oh and we cried too. We break down behind the scenes and face the monsters that were never under our beds but had always hide within us instead. We strive to succeed our dreams, at the same time fought off our demons. We had regrets that forever haunts us. That includes not being able to like that person, because we're cowards or that we didn't had the right to or because we were far too late. Everyone of us had stood at a point where we were confused, trouble or sad. We try to stand strong though. Another pic of a hangout here. We took a hold of what ever crap that life throw at us and threw it back into its face. Sometimes with our own strength, sometimes from others.
We grow and change. I definitely have evolved with how I dress from 2010. I learn so many facts and disturbing ones too haha. I've tried different things. I've grown fond of people and I do try to take a moment to look at them in the eye and say "Thank you for being a part of my life." and to those who I know reading this as well because without you wonderful people, I would not be who I am today. I'm glad and thankful for whatever moment we went through together, in good or bad. You guys are awesome and inspiring to me as well as precious. Hope to see you next year!
So with everything that happened so far, I can't wait for what 2013 got for me. Hopefully it'll be my year you know? Ciao amigos. Leave a comment and you'll get this invisible retro car. Haha.
You know you want it. Uh-huh I know you want own this car and feel up its leather seat. Oh yeah. Go comment then!
So I'm going to take it back since I was form 1 because I've feel the three years I've spent would not be compared to the whole new different level of next year and that it sums up and connects together better. So I took out some pics from my phone that dates back between 2010 to this year. Though my phone sucks in terms of camera abilities so apologies.
I have to say I've been quite active in loads of things. I will forever be proud at joining my drama club in my first year in high school and although the year after that it got disbanded, it reopens for a performance next year and I manage to bag a humble position to be a part of it. I also joined a lot of fund raisers. I sold foods during a basketball fund raiser events and even got to make my dream of doing a stall with the idea of it as a bar. Though I couldn't be a bartender, was not made to be hehe but was fortunate enough to have friend who was. Check out that nice alluring non-alcoholic drink she made! We even had short straws and interesting ingredients to concoct delicious potions that we hope did not gave anyone a stomach ache.
No matter how different we all were, we could get along. Talk and joke about things no one else could understand. Here's a pic of a hangout I went before with boys and girls just hanging out together. We stood together side by side as much as we could. However not everyone stayed friends in each other's eyes or heart. "We're all very lovely till we get to know each other cuz we stop becoming friends and we start becoming lovers" said a line from a song I really like. Its true too. When you're a teen, you can't help to like someone else. You simply can't.
Oh and we cried too. We break down behind the scenes and face the monsters that were never under our beds but had always hide within us instead. We strive to succeed our dreams, at the same time fought off our demons. We had regrets that forever haunts us. That includes not being able to like that person, because we're cowards or that we didn't had the right to or because we were far too late. Everyone of us had stood at a point where we were confused, trouble or sad. We try to stand strong though. Another pic of a hangout here. We took a hold of what ever crap that life throw at us and threw it back into its face. Sometimes with our own strength, sometimes from others.
We grow and change. I definitely have evolved with how I dress from 2010. I learn so many facts and disturbing ones too haha. I've tried different things. I've grown fond of people and I do try to take a moment to look at them in the eye and say "Thank you for being a part of my life." and to those who I know reading this as well because without you wonderful people, I would not be who I am today. I'm glad and thankful for whatever moment we went through together, in good or bad. You guys are awesome and inspiring to me as well as precious. Hope to see you next year!
So with everything that happened so far, I can't wait for what 2013 got for me. Hopefully it'll be my year you know? Ciao amigos. Leave a comment and you'll get this invisible retro car. Haha.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
I'm pretty happy
Today is the day I get my PMR results. I woke up shivering. I ate breakfast hyperventilating. I barf out air during the car ride to school. I became more socially awkward than usual when heading into the office and meeting my teacher who held papers that could either kill more than a quarter of my universe or that could save whatever is left of my sanity for these past few day. This was the conversation between my teacher and me.
Teacher: "So if you get at least a B for science and maths, you'll automatically go for Science stream (my preferable stream). If you don't, no problem you'll just go to commerce stream."
Me: "O-Oh kay. *peering over his table as he searches for my name*"
Teachers:"*smile as he pick out a rectangular piece of seemingly harmless paper* But I don't think you'll have any troubles going to Science though."
And I just felt myself exploding in happiness! I can't say I'm satisfied but I am happy. I had lower expectations than the result that I actually got. Whoopee~! *doing the celebration dance* I'm so glad that its over with. Just freaking glad! My other fellow friends seems to be very happy too based on my Facebook and I can feel their joy exuding off from my computer screen and it heightens my own happiness more from this. All seems wells and jolly. Thank you God!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Let's have some silence for a moment
The other day when I was scrolling like any of you procrastinating teenagers in Facebook, I found out that this teacher, whom took the job of my substitute English last time that I'll admit I really dislike for his teaching methods, have passed away. I was shock for awhile and tried to dig for further information. As far as I know he went through a coma and woke up two months ago, not long after died he passed away. I have no idea how he got coma nor what exactly happened to him but it is sad.
Mr. Nelson was his name and he was the kind of that strict yet randomly laid-back teacher that I never had before. He would come in each day with an assignment in mind with our class and once he sees your potential, his expectancies for you is set. He was fairly old for a teacher and because of that, I didn't quite like his understanding (or at other times lack of) towards us as students and as teens. I can't give an example for I admit its a bit of a blur but I do distinctively remember his annoying habit of slamming a table while we concentrate our work that he has given us as he tells us a story. It constantly shock us out of focus and never fail to annoy too when he does it more than a few time. I only vaguely remember a couple of stories of when he was a teacher in this other school and if I'm not mistaken, how we were a good class which I once thought was wrong because although we did his work and no one really went against him due to how stern he can be at times, he had a few haters and I was among them. And he didn't know that.
I only like one trait about him and that was his unbreakable level of expectancies towards us. He knew some students neglect the work he gives for obvious teenage reasons but he also recognize the potential we had in English. That was the one thing that made me think "I couldn't hate him completely." Like when we had a oral exam and we did it in a group of two. My friend and I became co-script writers to a script about "Two girls love of William Shakespeare's work." We both were into Romeo and Juliet so we thought that could be our subject. When were done with out minute and half (?) oral and as we sat, I could see the big smile on Mr. Nelson's face. The one where it even reaches to his eyes and he claps firmly and proud at us for our performance. His expression just obviously exudes this sense that he knew we do a excellent job and that he knew we would never fall short of what he knew we could potentially do. I felt very proud for myself at that moment. I think my partner and I both did.
Recently also there was that Connecticut Shooting that happen recently. That was a tragedy and my prayers are to all the victims, especially the children. May God bless them and Mr. Nelson.
Mr. Nelson was his name and he was the kind of that strict yet randomly laid-back teacher that I never had before. He would come in each day with an assignment in mind with our class and once he sees your potential, his expectancies for you is set. He was fairly old for a teacher and because of that, I didn't quite like his understanding (or at other times lack of) towards us as students and as teens. I can't give an example for I admit its a bit of a blur but I do distinctively remember his annoying habit of slamming a table while we concentrate our work that he has given us as he tells us a story. It constantly shock us out of focus and never fail to annoy too when he does it more than a few time. I only vaguely remember a couple of stories of when he was a teacher in this other school and if I'm not mistaken, how we were a good class which I once thought was wrong because although we did his work and no one really went against him due to how stern he can be at times, he had a few haters and I was among them. And he didn't know that.
I only like one trait about him and that was his unbreakable level of expectancies towards us. He knew some students neglect the work he gives for obvious teenage reasons but he also recognize the potential we had in English. That was the one thing that made me think "I couldn't hate him completely." Like when we had a oral exam and we did it in a group of two. My friend and I became co-script writers to a script about "Two girls love of William Shakespeare's work." We both were into Romeo and Juliet so we thought that could be our subject. When were done with out minute and half (?) oral and as we sat, I could see the big smile on Mr. Nelson's face. The one where it even reaches to his eyes and he claps firmly and proud at us for our performance. His expression just obviously exudes this sense that he knew we do a excellent job and that he knew we would never fall short of what he knew we could potentially do. I felt very proud for myself at that moment. I think my partner and I both did.
Recently also there was that Connecticut Shooting that happen recently. That was a tragedy and my prayers are to all the victims, especially the children. May God bless them and Mr. Nelson.
Friday, December 14, 2012
part 2 Manila fashion haul
Hi guys. Here part 2 and today is one of those cloudy days that fills time with drizzles every now and then while watching "Medium" on Fox Channel. Ever watch it? Well you should if you can cause all these episodes can creep the crap out of you. Don't worry though, this post isn't gonna start talking about murdered spirits talking to a blond medium or suddenly bringing you back to the 1990's to see a spine-chilling scene that is connected to a present killing case. It has no connection to the title of this post.
So originally I thought I bought a week's worth of clothes in Manila but when I took picture and counted, really I only bought 6 pieces. To warn you ahead though, some of the clothes I take picture wearing without my face, so it may look weird but the center of attention is really the clothes so don't mind the glimpses of graduation photos or TV or the fact I'm headless. I welcome you however to laugh because I did the same while breathing out from laughter "You can't see my head." repeatedly. Just remember the clothes in between your laughs kay?
Unfortunately, I couldn't find my blazer in F21. They had to move for the new stock and fall/winter season collection. The only nearly ideal blazer I found was this slightly fitted one with no buttons and it only came in hot pink color but it still wasn't that item that made you go "That's the one" y'know? I did however fulfill my second priority which is a sweater! I saw this lace short-sleeved green sweater and fell in love. It is warm but its short sleeved and I can pair it with my sheer black sleeveless gold-tip collar blouse underneath it or use my gold collared necklace.It's super comfy and snuggly to wear, especially those cool lazy days like today.
This was from some small stalls around Robinson's Mall. These stalls you see, even though their set up in a habitat of more popular, branded and expansive shops, they still get a lot of business. Frankly because their product aren't bad quality and they do try to sell stuff that are in trend. So I got this Aztec crop top. Its big enough to cover my tummy when my hand are down and only reveal any skin if I were to put my hands at 90 degree or jump or you get the idea. I sort of think it wasn't completely Aztec patterned because if you look closer you'll see a line of these snowflake shapes on my top which made me think at first that this was a crop top with a winter pattern but my bro insists its Aztec so yeah. My mom says its winter pattern. So I'm keeping to myself that I think a crop top with a winter pattern on it is most ideal for someone living in KK who still want to wear a Christmas look. What do you guys think? Aztec or winter?
This is another Aztec crop top. I sincerely think this is 100% Aztec though and its also bought from the same stall where I got the first one. Both were satisfyingly cheap that I think I should have bought more now. I love to find trends on markets that are good quality and cheaper as nearly as much as I love to own a real branded item. You notice that this is a more simpler design than the first and it looks more for summer right?
Next is the pride of my whole collection of shirts. A Rolling Stone Tee from F21. Its a trend from before and I still love it even though its not a trend anymore. Who wouldn't want to have this shirt anyway? Every time I wear it, I've feel edgier or potentially someone who love their song. I like their song "Satisfaction" though so that counts right. My favorite thing to do with this shirt is with dark jeans and a belt. I would never really put or find the need to even put a necklace on this shirt since I've feel the tee itself is a statement already. It wasn't easy to take the picture since despite it being a size S, I can't seem to get the whole image most of the time and this was the only good shot that came out of it.
Here are some bleached white jeans by the brand Free People. I never knew that I would own something from one of the retails of Urban Outfitters so this was a proud find of mine. I got it from this shop in Green Hill Mall called "JJ Lifestyles" and they sell a bunch of original branded item aside from Free People like Varsity Jackets from Vans or Cardigans from Banana Republic. So I was very happy to find this shop. I love the jeans because its like your real skinny jeans really. It sticks to your skin and reveals your slim legs. I do love the color which I've feel you can't really see but its like teeth white with a soft hue of bright blue mix in.
Last of the six is this collared cream lace dress from F21. I jumped like crazy when I tried this outfit in F21 changing rooms. I really love how I look in this dress and I don't have any dresses with sleeves as long as this dress does. I'm not joking. I felt oddly magical and..pretty. Yeah I felt very pretty in this dress and how I can take it back to look retro. It's a dress I would wear casually too. I really don't think this dress is restricted to be for formal events only. Looking forward to wearing this dress and marking it with memories that came along with it.
So that it. Please do deliver me your comments and opinions. Maybe suggestions of what else you think I can do with them. Any ideas and inspirations? Give me what your inner fashion goddess got!
So originally I thought I bought a week's worth of clothes in Manila but when I took picture and counted, really I only bought 6 pieces. To warn you ahead though, some of the clothes I take picture wearing without my face, so it may look weird but the center of attention is really the clothes so don't mind the glimpses of graduation photos or TV or the fact I'm headless. I welcome you however to laugh because I did the same while breathing out from laughter "You can't see my head." repeatedly. Just remember the clothes in between your laughs kay?
Unfortunately, I couldn't find my blazer in F21. They had to move for the new stock and fall/winter season collection. The only nearly ideal blazer I found was this slightly fitted one with no buttons and it only came in hot pink color but it still wasn't that item that made you go "That's the one" y'know? I did however fulfill my second priority which is a sweater! I saw this lace short-sleeved green sweater and fell in love. It is warm but its short sleeved and I can pair it with my sheer black sleeveless gold-tip collar blouse underneath it or use my gold collared necklace.It's super comfy and snuggly to wear, especially those cool lazy days like today.
This was from some small stalls around Robinson's Mall. These stalls you see, even though their set up in a habitat of more popular, branded and expansive shops, they still get a lot of business. Frankly because their product aren't bad quality and they do try to sell stuff that are in trend. So I got this Aztec crop top. Its big enough to cover my tummy when my hand are down and only reveal any skin if I were to put my hands at 90 degree or jump or you get the idea. I sort of think it wasn't completely Aztec patterned because if you look closer you'll see a line of these snowflake shapes on my top which made me think at first that this was a crop top with a winter pattern but my bro insists its Aztec so yeah. My mom says its winter pattern. So I'm keeping to myself that I think a crop top with a winter pattern on it is most ideal for someone living in KK who still want to wear a Christmas look. What do you guys think? Aztec or winter?
This is another Aztec crop top. I sincerely think this is 100% Aztec though and its also bought from the same stall where I got the first one. Both were satisfyingly cheap that I think I should have bought more now. I love to find trends on markets that are good quality and cheaper as nearly as much as I love to own a real branded item. You notice that this is a more simpler design than the first and it looks more for summer right?
Next is the pride of my whole collection of shirts. A Rolling Stone Tee from F21. Its a trend from before and I still love it even though its not a trend anymore. Who wouldn't want to have this shirt anyway? Every time I wear it, I've feel edgier or potentially someone who love their song. I like their song "Satisfaction" though so that counts right. My favorite thing to do with this shirt is with dark jeans and a belt. I would never really put or find the need to even put a necklace on this shirt since I've feel the tee itself is a statement already. It wasn't easy to take the picture since despite it being a size S, I can't seem to get the whole image most of the time and this was the only good shot that came out of it.
Here are some bleached white jeans by the brand Free People. I never knew that I would own something from one of the retails of Urban Outfitters so this was a proud find of mine. I got it from this shop in Green Hill Mall called "JJ Lifestyles" and they sell a bunch of original branded item aside from Free People like Varsity Jackets from Vans or Cardigans from Banana Republic. So I was very happy to find this shop. I love the jeans because its like your real skinny jeans really. It sticks to your skin and reveals your slim legs. I do love the color which I've feel you can't really see but its like teeth white with a soft hue of bright blue mix in.
Last of the six is this collared cream lace dress from F21. I jumped like crazy when I tried this outfit in F21 changing rooms. I really love how I look in this dress and I don't have any dresses with sleeves as long as this dress does. I'm not joking. I felt oddly magical and..pretty. Yeah I felt very pretty in this dress and how I can take it back to look retro. It's a dress I would wear casually too. I really don't think this dress is restricted to be for formal events only. Looking forward to wearing this dress and marking it with memories that came along with it.
So that it. Please do deliver me your comments and opinions. Maybe suggestions of what else you think I can do with them. Any ideas and inspirations? Give me what your inner fashion goddess got!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
No labels in Manila
Hey guys. Here is that I said I do about the fashion part of my Manila trip. Before we get to all the accessories, I just want to share my experience too. You see we only went to a mall on my third day in Manila and ways before we even started packing for the trip, I did my research and found that one of the malls that our guide had included in our plans was Mall of Asia that had a Forever21. Considered to be Manila's biggest mall and boy were they not lying. I get to lay my eyes on brands I have always desired and lusted for to shop in but know that would take years for any of them to come to KK but this mall was like a haven of all my fashion dreams. My Mom wasn't fond however when we were told to only spend 3 hours shopping and including finding lunch however I was unpredictably optimistic.
I actually had goals when I was confident we were going to F21. My first priority was to get a blazer. Those trimmed ones? Then my second was sweaters and before you go "Why would you want to wear a sweater with our weather here?!", its because I'm a quirky person and at the same time I'm a sensible dresser but there are time when I honestly don't care for comfort and just want to give my "sensible goddess" the finger. If you're desiring to do something that goes beyond you usually do, you can expect the "no pain, no gain" being applied. Sue me for having the desire to come out of comfort zone once in awhile.
So when I roam around the Mall, I immediately went for F21. The F21 was bigger than any other F21 shops I have ever been. Its more like a warehouse okay? Only its a magical warehouse where your inner fashion goddess can roam around in a field of oxfords, animal prints, and long high-waisted skirts that you see in the 20's. And no one will judge you. Not ONE. Trust me on that. The workers speak just enough English that will serve helpful and they let you roam or run across the huge room just to snatch the last item. They respect you in that way and I love them for it. So those who goes there, my advice? Just go wild. Seriously cause thats what I did. I was a monster that day and no one seem to mind.
So Mom and I spent about one WHOLE hour and a half there (lunatic, I know) and I got loads of stuff to combine with the awesome stuff I found in street markets (the fake "prada" or "coach" there are well made so I say its worth the money and I enjoy shopping in local markets just as much as the mall ). So we were rushed on time later since we still had to go get lunch. While roaming around for a food court, I take in the people of Manila. There are people who dressed like their STILL in prom, even in the mall. Their are people rocking that polish sport look like they just met up with Tiger Woods. There are women who dress way more better than the women here but they don't catch others eye like how the same women here do. Its like no matter what kind of dresser, crazy or way too baggy casual, they treat everyone an equal. I love that quality about the people in the mall. Its like if you're a nobody standing next to a celebrity, you aren't all that different. You can't really stand out here but you won't feel like a sore thumb since anyone who pairs sweatshirts with khakis is neither looked down nor ignored.
I admire also the very young and the very old society in the mall. The very young that I mean is like teenagers and they are many (about thousands from my observations) who comes to mall in their school uniform which is mostly your basic (and always a vintage/chic item to use) white collared shirt with their high waisted ankle long skirt that gives them that lovely classic 20's look. Usually here you'll see about a dozen of kids at the mall in their uniform with their hair still in a neat ponytail as it seem more better than letting your hair go (Its practically a trend that all the high school girl do when they go elsewhere before going home in KK), I so want to kill this tradition but there is a point because letting your hair go with Malaysia's school uniform draped on you is a huge "DON'T" which is why we rely on braid styles for a twist from the ponytail.
Manila however is different, even if it looks a bit not right in my opinion the same way it is here but most of the girls there do put their hair down. And they carry that confidence when they do it. I mentally saluted them. What more these girls got class. They bring their backpacks which look to me a bit odd with their uniform look until I passed by a few schoolgirls and realized something that exploded within me.
Like I felt the Big Bag theory was taking place in my world of style. These girls were carrying branded bags (Real or not, they certainly weren't your typical roxy or oreefs). I'm talking about these girl carrying either a floral backpack with a Dolce & Gabana label kay? I momentarily gawk at these girl for like a few seconds before being pulled back to reality. That was a crazy reality there.
The old however I salute and respect more. They aren't afraid of whether people think their outfit looks great or not. I said before, the people in the mall aren't stereotypes because all the hot and not mix together in harmony. I think however if you've seen the old women I saw (in a range of age 60 to 90), you can't help but to judge even a lil bit but I love these women. They pair up men khakis that reach way past the waist and they belt it with a hot pink sweater and peacock feather rings. They wear those weird shaped bold colored shades with red polka dotted headbands with a hair updo. These woman don't dress for anyone but themselves. To express themselves. To dress how they've feel like to. They carry these outfits with a confidence that shows they don't give a shit about what anyone thinks. Its very much like Advanced Style. Very very much. Like their saying "You don't have to worry about getting old, you can still have fun dressing up.". And that I've feel is a very powerful thing. Will be learning from them during my spare time.
So society in fashion feels like a free country in Manila. Even most of the men I saw dressed ways better. Including the teen boys who were much more diverse than from only ranging sport pants and cool graphic shirts. If anyone is going to Manila, just be crazy with your clothes. You'll love it as much as I did with dressing. Okay enough. Now to bring out the accessories.
First off is my new purse. I got this from the streets and it was so well-made that I had to have it. I always wanted a Cath Kidston ,whether real or fake. Its longs enough to hold and have many compartments for several cards. I had to pick between the red white polka-dotted pattern, cartoon Paris scene pattern and this floral pattern. Obviously you know which I've chosen. One reason, it was versatile with most of my outfits and the future ones that I plan to wear. It might not match with edgier looking outfits which to me is the only downside. I keep holding it in my hands because it feel so right for it to be there. Its original price was real high because the stall lady told me it was really a good quality purse for a fake and though she discounted it, I still feel its a tinsy bit pricey but took it anyway. I needed a new purse and our currency is the bigger currency over there so it was much cheaper than the ones here in KK.
Next is this gorgeous golden bag that is versatile cause it has as you can see a chain to it but you can easily slip in the chain back in, still have plenty of space and it turns instantly a gold clutch for a special dinner or even prom. I saw this bag sitting alone on a white shelf in F21 and thought I was undeserving of this magnificent bag. I showed it to my Mom and she simply said "take it". Suddenly I feel worthy and outfits to match this bag just manifest itself in my brain. Well that was such a short period of feeling unworthy. Ah wells~ Moving along.
Here we also have another F21 item (I told you I spent more than hour there didn't I?). Just when I think it was enough and thought of paying everything and get going, my Mom had to mention "What about shoes?" and I was like "Oh yeah....". This pair of red strap wedges caught my eye because I like the one and half inch height it gives me. Its not too high nor too low that I can wear it out a lot. I also bought it because I never had red shoes and I simply adore the idea of wearing a totally simple outfit (black top with dark jeans for example) and then just simply wearing these classy shoes that are enough to make my outfit pop. Plus they make my legs look good no? They were sort of pricey. Not too expensive and not cheap either but so far wearing them, its quite comfortable.
Next are these two pack belts that I've been really into. I always believe that if you belt it, you show off your hips and waist that are the flattering parts of your body and its a really nice look. I got these from Dorothy Perkins. I always wanted something from Dorothy Perkins because I love the brand. Especially the dresses and bags but I'm still a year or two young to wear the dresses so I settled for their belt. My first Dorothy Perkins. So yeah this came in two. They were other sets with different designs but I chose these because I thought the fish scale pattern belt would look great on my dresses as well as giving it a quirk to it. The other dark shimmery teal-colored belt reminded me of Saturday Night Fever. It really gave me that retro vibe that I don't really have in my ever expanding and exploding closet. These I had to admit was pricey but I never really encounter any Dorothy Perkin in KL or Penang though they are available there I think. On its tag, they even have an image of how to tie the belt in this loop style that I think is slowly climbing to be a trend. Thats an extra bonus to buy this and I'm so looking forward to using them in creative outfits in the future.
Since I got my piercings, I've bought these really girly earrings set. Another F21 I thought were nice and I could even wear for school. Hoorah for that. I like how they bring the earrings together with a diamond earrings (obviously not real of course), pearls earrings and floral bow earrings. I so plan to wear these when I'm either feeling elegant or want a girly touch to my look. I will say that the bow on the left, that little strap in the middle of the bow did come off and my Mom, being the wizard that she secretly is, fixed it. I have no idea when it was damaged. I don't think it was when I purchased it so I'm gonna conclude it to be that it snap off during the flight back home.
Oh before I forget, real sorry if the quality of these pics aren't as HD. I used my laptop cam for all of them and then used a bit of photoshop to get the lighting right so it took a few days to take all the pictures (including the clothes), not because it was hard to edit but mostly because it was hard to take a good picture before editing. So apologies there. My laptop cam sucks.
So next is this gold guitar earrings I got from Hard Rock. I didn't buy the tees instead because they didn't had anything I like and the simpler designs were WAY too expensive. Too pricey that I mock a heart attack when I saw the price tag. Still shiver at the thought. This was from the Hard Rock in Makarti which is like an hour and a half drive from where we were which is Clark and over there its pretty much those high lifestyle city with clubs and glamorous malls and shops. People in limos and women in bodicon dresses. The good city night life I say.
This was another item I got from Hard Rock. I've been going through Magz, Fashion websites and blog and there are some really creative quirky teens who like to dress with pins on their jackets or even on vintage dresses or their sling bags. So I've got into it too and when I saw these particular set of pins from the other pins at the Hard Rock souvenir shop, I thought "I must have these pins." We have the "Live, Love, Rock" pin, the kiss mark pin, a pigeon carrying a scroll saying "Hard Rock" with some roses and a "Admit it, Girls Rock." pin. I have yet to have fun with them but I got some ideas that it'll go really well with edgier looks as well with my Converse bag. I am however giving two of the four pins to my friend Christina as her souvenir. Fingers cross that she'll like it. There were however a bit pricey for pins so I from just think I'm not gonna shop there again unless I find a different Hard Rock with a cheaper or more reasonable price.
This is another from F21. The collared necklaces are on display for the buy if you haven't been staking out a lot of the shops and boutiques (ex: Lovett) here in KK. Though you could mostly only find ones that are made of cotton, beads and bedazzeld necklaces like those lace ones here. I have yet to see much people using these here so it has yet to really trend despite being in most shops. I wouldn't buy the ones here anyway because one, I've feel the one I have here would be more versatile for most tops and the design is really basic so you can pair it up with a lot and two, the ones here have a much more complicated design which you can't necessarily match with everything. Fyi, there are even these long pins behind the gold collars for better adjusting and placing on your top. Real cool right? Price for this was reasonable. They had more detailed and more regal designs that I admire though so maybe you should keep that in mind when you go shopping there if you're interested. They are a total statement accessory after all.
Okay, this picture is the last accessory of mine which is the bottom hand and the upper one is a souvenir to Lonelyness! There are these colorful skull bracelets and mine has peace and crosses signs while the upper hand is simpler because that gives you chance to pair it with a bunch of other bracelets while mine is enough with adding one or two bracelets only because it'll look too much. So lucky you! The simpler one is more versatile and I chose this for Lonelyness because I never seen you in a really tribal look from head to toe. This bracelet is like boho meeting edge and it can be worn alone because I've feel it really brings a casual or boho looks a step up. Maybe with a striped maxi dress or bright oversize tee? I bought these two from the streets. They were a bit pricey then I would have like but otherwise considered sort of reasonable. Sort of. P.S. Lonelyness, their made in Korea.
So now that I brought the first souvenir out, you guys can get excited now. So last time I ask and not_so_lucky_girl requested earrings. And here are these cute Christmas tree shaped silver earrings from F21. To me these pair of earrings says the sentence "I'm celebrating X'mas even though I'm in Santa's bad list". Otherwise, I'm just saying its really edgy and it be great to see it on an edgy look on you (which I never quite seen before) and you could pair it up with boots, on some leather or with black singlets with those universe images on them. Just go crazy with them cause I think you can even put it on a quirky outfit too with bright tops and shorts.
The next one if for Violets and Rayne. I chose these set of gold rings consisting of (from the bottom ring to the top order of the index finger) one with a crystal, a thin band with a short line of crystals and one ring that looks like those screw gears. I would wear this for a fancy or feminine look that has an added quirk thanks to the gear ring. I had to wear them with spaces between them so you could look at each individual ring better. If you wondering why their no longer with tags, lets just says it went through a malfunction in my luggage too when we take off home. Its from F21 and I would love to see what outfit you can concoct that will do these rings justice. Maybe with a pastel dress or with a cream colored lace top?
Last but definitely not the least, is to Life. I got you a silver set of rings and unfortunately it's tag went through the same tragedy as Violets and Rayne's rings. From F21 and consists of (bottom to top order too) a crystal ring, a rope ring that has two small crystal that acts as ears making the ring look like a bear shaped, a chain ring and a spiked ring (I really loved the first and last ring the most of this set). I like to see this sets of rings gives me that classy badass vibe which I never seen you interpret when you dress. Its the same way with not_so_lucky_girl's souvenir. Price was reasonable. Hope you like it.
So that comes to the conclusion of this post. I hope you like your gifts cause I love them that I thought of buying an extra for myself but I resist that temptation. Each gift was chosen with a lot of thought so consider it my Christmas gift to you guys. I do wonder whether I make a great secret santa so comment what you think kay? Like it or hate it? Do add in what you think you would do with your gift though. I may have put in a suggestion of what you can do to embody them in an outfit but I like what you would have prefer to do with them too as well as what do you think of this purely fashion post. I await your comments and just wait for my next post (maybe tomorrow or the day after most likely) on the apparels I bought too. Seeya guys! Ho!Ho!Ho!
I actually had goals when I was confident we were going to F21. My first priority was to get a blazer. Those trimmed ones? Then my second was sweaters and before you go "Why would you want to wear a sweater with our weather here?!", its because I'm a quirky person and at the same time I'm a sensible dresser but there are time when I honestly don't care for comfort and just want to give my "sensible goddess" the finger. If you're desiring to do something that goes beyond you usually do, you can expect the "no pain, no gain" being applied. Sue me for having the desire to come out of comfort zone once in awhile.
So when I roam around the Mall, I immediately went for F21. The F21 was bigger than any other F21 shops I have ever been. Its more like a warehouse okay? Only its a magical warehouse where your inner fashion goddess can roam around in a field of oxfords, animal prints, and long high-waisted skirts that you see in the 20's. And no one will judge you. Not ONE. Trust me on that. The workers speak just enough English that will serve helpful and they let you roam or run across the huge room just to snatch the last item. They respect you in that way and I love them for it. So those who goes there, my advice? Just go wild. Seriously cause thats what I did. I was a monster that day and no one seem to mind.
So Mom and I spent about one WHOLE hour and a half there (lunatic, I know) and I got loads of stuff to combine with the awesome stuff I found in street markets (the fake "prada" or "coach" there are well made so I say its worth the money and I enjoy shopping in local markets just as much as the mall ). So we were rushed on time later since we still had to go get lunch. While roaming around for a food court, I take in the people of Manila. There are people who dressed like their STILL in prom, even in the mall. Their are people rocking that polish sport look like they just met up with Tiger Woods. There are women who dress way more better than the women here but they don't catch others eye like how the same women here do. Its like no matter what kind of dresser, crazy or way too baggy casual, they treat everyone an equal. I love that quality about the people in the mall. Its like if you're a nobody standing next to a celebrity, you aren't all that different. You can't really stand out here but you won't feel like a sore thumb since anyone who pairs sweatshirts with khakis is neither looked down nor ignored.
I admire also the very young and the very old society in the mall. The very young that I mean is like teenagers and they are many (about thousands from my observations) who comes to mall in their school uniform which is mostly your basic (and always a vintage/chic item to use) white collared shirt with their high waisted ankle long skirt that gives them that lovely classic 20's look. Usually here you'll see about a dozen of kids at the mall in their uniform with their hair still in a neat ponytail as it seem more better than letting your hair go (Its practically a trend that all the high school girl do when they go elsewhere before going home in KK), I so want to kill this tradition but there is a point because letting your hair go with Malaysia's school uniform draped on you is a huge "DON'T" which is why we rely on braid styles for a twist from the ponytail.
Manila however is different, even if it looks a bit not right in my opinion the same way it is here but most of the girls there do put their hair down. And they carry that confidence when they do it. I mentally saluted them. What more these girls got class. They bring their backpacks which look to me a bit odd with their uniform look until I passed by a few schoolgirls and realized something that exploded within me.
Like I felt the Big Bag theory was taking place in my world of style. These girls were carrying branded bags (Real or not, they certainly weren't your typical roxy or oreefs). I'm talking about these girl carrying either a floral backpack with a Dolce & Gabana label kay? I momentarily gawk at these girl for like a few seconds before being pulled back to reality. That was a crazy reality there.
The old however I salute and respect more. They aren't afraid of whether people think their outfit looks great or not. I said before, the people in the mall aren't stereotypes because all the hot and not mix together in harmony. I think however if you've seen the old women I saw (in a range of age 60 to 90), you can't help but to judge even a lil bit but I love these women. They pair up men khakis that reach way past the waist and they belt it with a hot pink sweater and peacock feather rings. They wear those weird shaped bold colored shades with red polka dotted headbands with a hair updo. These woman don't dress for anyone but themselves. To express themselves. To dress how they've feel like to. They carry these outfits with a confidence that shows they don't give a shit about what anyone thinks. Its very much like Advanced Style. Very very much. Like their saying "You don't have to worry about getting old, you can still have fun dressing up.". And that I've feel is a very powerful thing. Will be learning from them during my spare time.
So society in fashion feels like a free country in Manila. Even most of the men I saw dressed ways better. Including the teen boys who were much more diverse than from only ranging sport pants and cool graphic shirts. If anyone is going to Manila, just be crazy with your clothes. You'll love it as much as I did with dressing. Okay enough. Now to bring out the accessories.
First off is my new purse. I got this from the streets and it was so well-made that I had to have it. I always wanted a Cath Kidston ,whether real or fake. Its longs enough to hold and have many compartments for several cards. I had to pick between the red white polka-dotted pattern, cartoon Paris scene pattern and this floral pattern. Obviously you know which I've chosen. One reason, it was versatile with most of my outfits and the future ones that I plan to wear. It might not match with edgier looking outfits which to me is the only downside. I keep holding it in my hands because it feel so right for it to be there. Its original price was real high because the stall lady told me it was really a good quality purse for a fake and though she discounted it, I still feel its a tinsy bit pricey but took it anyway. I needed a new purse and our currency is the bigger currency over there so it was much cheaper than the ones here in KK.
Next is this gorgeous golden bag that is versatile cause it has as you can see a chain to it but you can easily slip in the chain back in, still have plenty of space and it turns instantly a gold clutch for a special dinner or even prom. I saw this bag sitting alone on a white shelf in F21 and thought I was undeserving of this magnificent bag. I showed it to my Mom and she simply said "take it". Suddenly I feel worthy and outfits to match this bag just manifest itself in my brain. Well that was such a short period of feeling unworthy. Ah wells~ Moving along.
Here we also have another F21 item (I told you I spent more than hour there didn't I?). Just when I think it was enough and thought of paying everything and get going, my Mom had to mention "What about shoes?" and I was like "Oh yeah....". This pair of red strap wedges caught my eye because I like the one and half inch height it gives me. Its not too high nor too low that I can wear it out a lot. I also bought it because I never had red shoes and I simply adore the idea of wearing a totally simple outfit (black top with dark jeans for example) and then just simply wearing these classy shoes that are enough to make my outfit pop. Plus they make my legs look good no? They were sort of pricey. Not too expensive and not cheap either but so far wearing them, its quite comfortable.
Next are these two pack belts that I've been really into. I always believe that if you belt it, you show off your hips and waist that are the flattering parts of your body and its a really nice look. I got these from Dorothy Perkins. I always wanted something from Dorothy Perkins because I love the brand. Especially the dresses and bags but I'm still a year or two young to wear the dresses so I settled for their belt. My first Dorothy Perkins. So yeah this came in two. They were other sets with different designs but I chose these because I thought the fish scale pattern belt would look great on my dresses as well as giving it a quirk to it. The other dark shimmery teal-colored belt reminded me of Saturday Night Fever. It really gave me that retro vibe that I don't really have in my ever expanding and exploding closet. These I had to admit was pricey but I never really encounter any Dorothy Perkin in KL or Penang though they are available there I think. On its tag, they even have an image of how to tie the belt in this loop style that I think is slowly climbing to be a trend. Thats an extra bonus to buy this and I'm so looking forward to using them in creative outfits in the future.
Since I got my piercings, I've bought these really girly earrings set. Another F21 I thought were nice and I could even wear for school. Hoorah for that. I like how they bring the earrings together with a diamond earrings (obviously not real of course), pearls earrings and floral bow earrings. I so plan to wear these when I'm either feeling elegant or want a girly touch to my look. I will say that the bow on the left, that little strap in the middle of the bow did come off and my Mom, being the wizard that she secretly is, fixed it. I have no idea when it was damaged. I don't think it was when I purchased it so I'm gonna conclude it to be that it snap off during the flight back home.
Oh before I forget, real sorry if the quality of these pics aren't as HD. I used my laptop cam for all of them and then used a bit of photoshop to get the lighting right so it took a few days to take all the pictures (including the clothes), not because it was hard to edit but mostly because it was hard to take a good picture before editing. So apologies there. My laptop cam sucks.
So next is this gold guitar earrings I got from Hard Rock. I didn't buy the tees instead because they didn't had anything I like and the simpler designs were WAY too expensive. Too pricey that I mock a heart attack when I saw the price tag. Still shiver at the thought. This was from the Hard Rock in Makarti which is like an hour and a half drive from where we were which is Clark and over there its pretty much those high lifestyle city with clubs and glamorous malls and shops. People in limos and women in bodicon dresses. The good city night life I say.
This was another item I got from Hard Rock. I've been going through Magz, Fashion websites and blog and there are some really creative quirky teens who like to dress with pins on their jackets or even on vintage dresses or their sling bags. So I've got into it too and when I saw these particular set of pins from the other pins at the Hard Rock souvenir shop, I thought "I must have these pins." We have the "Live, Love, Rock" pin, the kiss mark pin, a pigeon carrying a scroll saying "Hard Rock" with some roses and a "Admit it, Girls Rock." pin. I have yet to have fun with them but I got some ideas that it'll go really well with edgier looks as well with my Converse bag. I am however giving two of the four pins to my friend Christina as her souvenir. Fingers cross that she'll like it. There were however a bit pricey for pins so I from just think I'm not gonna shop there again unless I find a different Hard Rock with a cheaper or more reasonable price.
This is another from F21. The collared necklaces are on display for the buy if you haven't been staking out a lot of the shops and boutiques (ex: Lovett) here in KK. Though you could mostly only find ones that are made of cotton, beads and bedazzeld necklaces like those lace ones here. I have yet to see much people using these here so it has yet to really trend despite being in most shops. I wouldn't buy the ones here anyway because one, I've feel the one I have here would be more versatile for most tops and the design is really basic so you can pair it up with a lot and two, the ones here have a much more complicated design which you can't necessarily match with everything. Fyi, there are even these long pins behind the gold collars for better adjusting and placing on your top. Real cool right? Price for this was reasonable. They had more detailed and more regal designs that I admire though so maybe you should keep that in mind when you go shopping there if you're interested. They are a total statement accessory after all.
Okay, this picture is the last accessory of mine which is the bottom hand and the upper one is a souvenir to Lonelyness! There are these colorful skull bracelets and mine has peace and crosses signs while the upper hand is simpler because that gives you chance to pair it with a bunch of other bracelets while mine is enough with adding one or two bracelets only because it'll look too much. So lucky you! The simpler one is more versatile and I chose this for Lonelyness because I never seen you in a really tribal look from head to toe. This bracelet is like boho meeting edge and it can be worn alone because I've feel it really brings a casual or boho looks a step up. Maybe with a striped maxi dress or bright oversize tee? I bought these two from the streets. They were a bit pricey then I would have like but otherwise considered sort of reasonable. Sort of. P.S. Lonelyness, their made in Korea.
So now that I brought the first souvenir out, you guys can get excited now. So last time I ask and not_so_lucky_girl requested earrings. And here are these cute Christmas tree shaped silver earrings from F21. To me these pair of earrings says the sentence "I'm celebrating X'mas even though I'm in Santa's bad list". Otherwise, I'm just saying its really edgy and it be great to see it on an edgy look on you (which I never quite seen before) and you could pair it up with boots, on some leather or with black singlets with those universe images on them. Just go crazy with them cause I think you can even put it on a quirky outfit too with bright tops and shorts.
The next one if for Violets and Rayne. I chose these set of gold rings consisting of (from the bottom ring to the top order of the index finger) one with a crystal, a thin band with a short line of crystals and one ring that looks like those screw gears. I would wear this for a fancy or feminine look that has an added quirk thanks to the gear ring. I had to wear them with spaces between them so you could look at each individual ring better. If you wondering why their no longer with tags, lets just says it went through a malfunction in my luggage too when we take off home. Its from F21 and I would love to see what outfit you can concoct that will do these rings justice. Maybe with a pastel dress or with a cream colored lace top?
Last but definitely not the least, is to Life. I got you a silver set of rings and unfortunately it's tag went through the same tragedy as Violets and Rayne's rings. From F21 and consists of (bottom to top order too) a crystal ring, a rope ring that has two small crystal that acts as ears making the ring look like a bear shaped, a chain ring and a spiked ring (I really loved the first and last ring the most of this set). I like to see this sets of rings gives me that classy badass vibe which I never seen you interpret when you dress. Its the same way with not_so_lucky_girl's souvenir. Price was reasonable. Hope you like it.
So that comes to the conclusion of this post. I hope you like your gifts cause I love them that I thought of buying an extra for myself but I resist that temptation. Each gift was chosen with a lot of thought so consider it my Christmas gift to you guys. I do wonder whether I make a great secret santa so comment what you think kay? Like it or hate it? Do add in what you think you would do with your gift though. I may have put in a suggestion of what you can do to embody them in an outfit but I like what you would have prefer to do with them too as well as what do you think of this purely fashion post. I await your comments and just wait for my next post (maybe tomorrow or the day after most likely) on the apparels I bought too. Seeya guys! Ho!Ho!Ho!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
I'm back.
So I've just got back from Manila. I'm just pretty much posting a couple of updates. Why? Because I love sharing. Its caring. So let's start with:
I went there for my cousin's wedding. It so happen that his bride is kenyah, another kind from kadazan so their reception was an awesome cultural experience. Some of you guys may see some photos of me in their traditional costume. Thanks mom for tagging.
I thought it really caught me off guard since neither my mom or I knew I had to wear tradition until last minute. So I had to run in my 5-inch heels through a bunch of confusing corridors, put on the costume with help form the bride's relatives which I was reluctant to because that would be allowing them to see me in my underwear infront of a few women whom I don't know. I had to stifle my embarrassment there. Then we proceed to accompanying both newlyweds onto the stage at the reception and do this ritual of eating one grain of rice every time we finish our rounds. It was super cool and it gave me those I'm-excited-and-nervous-at-the-same-time feeling. It was also awkward for me to act natural while my cousie, Sam, did it flawlessly as she if fortunately more photogenic than yours truly.
Afterwards, I've pretty much stuff myself with the good food there and went back to my hotel room early because I suddenly feel ill. I had a not bad time though. It was a pretty unique wedding.
Ah Manila. Actually I only agreed to the trip because my Mom wanted some company on the group trip where we visit mostly churches. I quite like the trip. We stayed in this placed that looks like Noah's ark with a big dining room and chapel included. What more, they have this huge park and hills filled with statues of Mother Mary and Jesus and saints. Just countless of them. There are 3 parts of the park that I find the most significant which is one part depicting scene of the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve there, a steep triangular hill with statues on each level on it representing the Stations of the Cross and then a round hill with statues representing all the mysteries. I got to get to see art with religion all in one luscious green place. Real lovely.
My favorite visit however would have to be the Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene. Seriously that place is just...Amazing. The millions of people that comes to that church for a mass is massive. The church's schedule is too overwhelming that its hard to believe they can handle 9-15 masses a day. I got to even touch and see the Black Nazarene itself. We were really a lucky bunch to be able to touch it without hours of waiting like others.
I visited other places too. I got some rosaries and some statues of Jesus and Mother Mary. I got handkerchief that was given to us to rub on the Black Nazarene and is soaked with water from this waterfall famed for curing those who could walk and I saw the left behind walking crutches. So I thought "Why not get some of that blessed water? Who knows, in the future I might find myself limping around."
Summarizing the religious part of the trip to be an eye opening experience. I got to be in touch with something I haven't thought about for a long time so I'm glad.
The fashion part of the trip is a whole other story so it'll be in a whole other post. I'm still busy taking pictures and just finished with taking pics of the accessories and souvenirs that I'll post first while I finish up taking pics of the apparel section. So look forward to it cause I have so many ideas and inspirations that I'll put with what to do with the accessories and souvenirs that you can try. Its coming at you hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Gotta go back to shooting the clothes. Bye and comment please!
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