

Sunday, December 8, 2013


I'm been going through like different phases of the mind. I'm not sure is it because of my time in KL for the second time that made me think about loads of things, seriously I've feel like I'm stressing about nothing and yet about everything. Reading Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl made me see more desires and future aspiration again. Anne's spirit reminded of what I lost somewhere along the year. The drive to somehow change the world and make something of yourself that whatever it is you end up making, it lives on in others that even after you're no longer on earth, you made your print on others that you live on. That is the "immortality" we can achieve for ourselves. One of the most common, most likely even global, problem is we fear to be forgotten. Can any of you honestly tell me you remember who your great great great grandparent were? Nor those before them for that matter? What were they doing in order to get where your grandparents are now today? Most people can't answer that. The best we can do is make an imprint on the people currently around us but at best we linger in memories at a maximum of 2 generations. I really really want to perfect so many things, writing, literary, and etc. The world seems vast and no matter how harsh it may be, I refuse to be disheartened by it. I mean I had more spunk and fierce in my dreams when I was 12, I don't feel that fire lately. So 2014 and the years to come, I'm coming because I don't wanna just preach Nelson Mandel's (RIP sir cuz what you strive against discrimination and everything else is not only inspring but amazing) words but also practise it.

 With all the time I have, I also manage to catch up with old movies. From the year 2013 all the way to 1990's movies. Broadway films to action packed thriller and comedy romances. I'm on a roll but it also reminded on a lot of things. How we're all too young to be this cynical, to be a realist in the wrong direction of life, and we have the future ahead for us to design and create. I hope mine is big and bright but where would it stand to be those two characteristics I have yet to know or realize. I've been into fashion a lot. Reading articles and keeping up with a bunch of american magazines as well a bit of the european fashion talk. I'm trying to test what I like to wear and get the basics down. Coming up a new outfit as I go is not easy but its a good brain teaser considering the colour codes as well as proportions. Ah proportion...thighs...gahhhh. Its okay, I lost some of the extra weight and I'm just 1.6kg away so its alright. Yeah.

Anyway I got some great haul from my two trip to KL, whether I should blog about it, I'm not so sure. I've got some Forever21 and Uniqlo winter/fall duds. You guys interested? Comment peeps!


  1. I don't mind to read your fashion hauls of the month, I'm pretty interested and would like to see what else you've got other than your very blessed velvet clothes that you've got, And that also reminds me that I really need to control my diet and amount of exercise that I need to take, in order to look better in these modern garments. I
    t's pretty inspiring what you wrote about imprinting and making a long remembarance of our existence in this world. We are just material but in the end its the actions and behavior that really matters in the end, isn't that so? Keeping and writing an actual diary is pretty helpful too, like how Anne Frank has tattooed the world (I've only actually *heard* of her but never actually read it, but I'll keep that in mind) You know, you should post up more "down-to-earth" posts, I think it'll be more inspiring and all, but if its really personal for you, then, that's okay, I respect that.
    And try to surround yourself in things that'll burn that fierce fire in you again, when we were 12! Like music, or reading or either watching movies that really motivates you positively (which I think you're already doing)
    You've just gotta find the right "start" buttons in you.
    P.S: I suggest you listen to Walk the Moon - Anna Sun (I think that'll ignite the spark a lil in motivating you, cuz it did for me hahahah)

  2. I'd love to be jealous over your hauls :P

    And its great that you feel the want to get that fire.. Hopefully you will that thing that'll ignite you again :) I've been meaning to read Anne Franks diary hmm
