I've been trying so hard not to click the log in button but I can't! I must write and paper couldn't help much. So here what happening. I have exams on the 23rd this month (HELL NO!!!). So not only I have been studying, I've been online tuition, head banging, randomly saying no logical facts, dancing when no ones looking, reading novels, writing stories and emailing like I've never done before. This month is hectic and I've been having twice the interesting events than I normally expected. I am also a very angry person cause of EXAMS *dun dun dunnnn* so I switch to hyper mode or cranky mode. I'm so lag that when my pencil falls, I curse at it, ignore it for 5 seconds and pick it up while begging for forgiveness. And since my other friends are laaggg too, I spill all my issues to TV. Like I talk to it while watching MTV. TV understands me :)
Even my Mum is like giving more space than she usually does. Like when I'm studying, she peeks for awhile to make sure I'm alright and asks me if I want anything like cakes or whatever. Now when I go in the car after school, she avoids the "how's your day" conversation and just let the radio do all the soothing and talking. Plus I can get really pissed off easily too. Like two days ago, my cousins were having a convo and they're both girls so I was just playing the Wii listening at the same time.
Cousin1: You're so pretty. I would like die for your hair.
Cousin2: No but you have nice eyes without a single eyebag in them.
Cousin1: But you're slender. I'm fat.
Cousin2: No! I'm pretty fat myself.
Cousin1: You're WAY skinnier than me.
Cousin2: You're more thinner than me.
* me pausing the game and both look at me *
Me: For fuck sake, just accept the damn compliment GOSH!
* continues playing while cousins go to another room going
Cousin2: Whats up with her?
Cousin1:Exams are coming.
Cousin2: Now it all makes sense.
I know its just my third time this year having exams but the thing is its as much important last one only instead of holding the most marks like the last one, its because I have a LOT, I repeat a LOT, at stake on this exam. I'm also very thankful for my 12 year old me for not getting rid of my teddy bears. They're lovely as a punch bag. A week after my exams, I will be going to Miri to attend my cousin's engagement party and hopefully my bro and his girlfriend will come. I miss my bros so much and I always hope for them to come back home if they is any possibility. Its summer as you and I know and its terribly hot. So very very hot. I have 45oML of Ice Cream and 4 popsicles to survive each week! At least I can beat mood swings with them other than heat.
So to anyone who knows me, do not bother trying to calm me down for I've already state here my situation. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!! If you still don't get it, I'll let my iconic nicki mnaj here put it in a way basic way you can understand.

haha thats interesting