

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Graduation song

I still remember when I was 12 in 2009. We did one last song and I've never describe the feeling I've felt that so here it is. We just all came back from changing our clothes into uniforms. We were all still had some traces of sweat from our last dance performance and were trying to catch our breaths as we the front row held they're mics. Then we look at parents and kids that we know watching us together like this for the last time and we realize this was it. Then the song started.

"And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives"

We look at each other smiling and just kept looking at the crowd and soon our mind concentrated on remembering the lyrics. The words that we were singing made us all aware that it wasn't going to be the same from this night on. What the lyrics portrayed, were like something we refused to admit, yet here we are singing it out. Pushing aside all dignity and pride and mustering the emotion to sing. Teary eyes threatens to ruin our make-up when we sang the chorus.

"As we go on
We remember
All the time we
Had together
And as our lives change
come whatever
we still be
friends forever"

We kept blinking, trying not to let the audience before us notice but really, everyone on that stage could tell the redness in our eyes. When we reach the instrumental part of the song, we all looked down and looked at each other. "I'm gonna REALLY miss you" was what we wanted to say and in that time we stare, when we had to sang again, it was even more harder singing the last few verses left. When we finally stop, the audience applauded as if knowing how meaningful we meant in the song as the thick red curtain fall. We didn't bother bowing much. Instead we ran to each other and hugging just about everyone. The classmates were brief and heart-wrenching but the closest people were hugged twice and we muster out sobs of "I gonna really miss you" or "good bye". All though they were some who were still stubborn and stayed away from the hugging activity almost everyone were doing, there wasn't really any regrets for me honestly. Soon we all took quick tear faced picture together and went home. We sat in our cars flashing the faces and memories of our friends and when we finally tuck ourselves to bed, we stare up the ceiling and think that this was it.


  1. *sniffles* you really remember that until you describe it sooo well...
    Crap! Tears are welling in my eyes T^T

  2. dang and it still feels like it was just over recently when in reality it's been 2 years. That moment was just the best yet sad feeling, :(
