

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm an American Idol!!!..........viewer..LOL

Funny title rite? So is anyone gonna watch? I am! Me!! Can't you me waving my hands here!?! Well of course you can't! Thats absurd!! HAHAHA!! I feel so FREAKIN HYPER!!!WOOHOO!! SUGAR LEVEL HIGH!! BLOOD PRESSURE TOO!!! Woooo00000oooooTzzzzz!!!!!!! OoooO0oooois almost time for the show!!!! OH MA GAWD!!!! LOL!!!!

Mum is being creep out rite now..She's just jealous cause I'm so freakin happy and energectic while she not! ( yes people I'm so energetic to the point of making sarcastic, wrong and childish reasons) WWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Ok bye!!! need to put out my energy on something else now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUH-BYE!!!!


  1. Lol while I was reading it I was imagining you saying all that in your hyper mood and hypervoice... and my my sooo hyper man XD
