

Friday, January 8, 2010

A quick thought...

Well like I said in the previous post. My time limit on the computer have been fucking shorten. So I'll try to make this long but quick!! School is going smoothly but I have a feeling drama will come soon and hope that it won't involves me!! Urmm...Oh ya! I have to wake up early tomorrow on a Saturday just for Cross Country. We have to go to Bukit Padang there and do 2 and a half round at the jogging track. I plan on just slowing down and run when I feel like its the right time for me. Hmm.....Thats about it......yeah.....

So I guess thats all I can think about right now. So bye....still there?....I said thats IT!! NO MORE!!! Why are you still reading?? Urk.....whatever. If you're not leaving then I will so buh-bye!

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