Today was kinda epic. Its almost as epic how that one time we played tag and the tagger kinda threw a stick at my friend and she dodge it like in a game and me and my other friend saw it from the sides and it totally look like Mario when he's dodging mushrooms. Now when I say awesome, it doesn't mean its because of entirely awesome and happy things kay? I'm just feeling awesome cuz it actually happened all in one day with the most cliche and funny cousies and friends.
Anyway, I've got pinched by my cousie's boyfriend for "eyeing" his hot friend which I totally wasn't doing, I've got drenched by the rain and got laughed at by my cousin who watched me ran in the downpour as she sit there in dry condition waiting for me at the car, my MALE friend borrowed my "I'm famous online" tee since he got wet too and I must say he look Hilarious in it with a capital H, I learned today that sexy can be defined through whipping your hair and that when my Mum hold those butcher knife she looks scary but when you see her trying to cut open a coconut, you can't help but laugh.
So all that happen today and thinking about it just cracks me up. Anything epic or crazy going on with you guys? Please comment!
Nothin much epic/crazy going on in my life but yeh other than that day and yeah nothin much epic actually D: I've already told you most of the details in skype lol