

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mother's opinion

A mother's opinion or point of view is like a teaspoon of wisdom added to your bland cup of water. Today was just one of those days that I had earn myself another teaspoon.

Mum: Y'know I do read bit of your blog sometime

Me: Seriously?

Mum: Yeah but only when I come across it.

Me: Oh, so what do you think of it?

Mum: I think you think of stuff thats above you or like its too mature. Its scary in fact.

Me: WHAT?!

That like shock me. I mean I've never taught of my "opinions" that way but yeah maybe it isn't what a teenager like me suppose think of but it wasn't like she disliked it though. She even bothered to state that she didn't say it was wrong to which I have humbly taken in and not further question about it. She also states although I don't act that mature as my thoughts and ideas, she think it would be better to get a little bit more serious by now. In other words, growing up.

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