I can't say I've never had a taste of freedom. I can't say I've never tried spreading wings and fly. I can't say that I never touch the sky. I can say that I did all those things for only a fleeting moment. You do fly sometimes but you always have to go down. Then when you do touch the earth's soil again, you are meet up with obstacles that makes flying harder to do but the more you surpass all these, the higher you fly. However freedom ain't always beautiful. You need to remember to have a grip on things that really matter but nowadays, there are getting less people who abuses they're new found freedom and there are more people who are afraid to fly.
We are a afraid of what lies beyond the skies, hidden behinds those clouds. We are afraid that our wings will be shot down and we can't get up but sometimes in my opinion, I need to be free from chains and just let loose. Trying to not have regrets and raise up from all my fears and sorrows. I do have wings of my own and I mean it metaphorically of course but yeah. There are times when I just didn't care a thing and let loose my hair and put my party dress on. They are times when I do something totally uncalled for but I didn't want to pass good opportunities that would leave me with regrets in the end. No matter how bad you fall, you can get up "for strength isn't something physical, it is an unwavering willpower that gives us real strength."We need to (like my new blog background) live beautifully (and I mean being honest, nice and doing mean things less), dream passionately (go over the limits for what you want, if they're is beauty within your dream, then go all the way for it! Don't let anyone make you doubt for a second that you can't!) and love completely (Try to forgive and forget. It just shows you are stronger and over with it. Try doing less wrong to those you cherish too!).When we do fly and give it our all, we'll make some pretty ugly mistakes but then we'll make pretty awesome decisions just the same right? To explain freedom in a more musical way, I strongly recommend you to listen to "Hit the Lights" by Selena Gomez. It somewhat explain freedom in a sense. Try to read the lyrics too, its even way better!
P.S. I manage to be mostly good for December so far! Woot-Woot!!
Lovely words for the theme freedom.
ReplyDeleteI shall use some of your beliefs as some personal advice for meself lol.
btw, lovin the girl holdin up that nice sign as well as the colorrfullll background and and and ze nice picture of that metallic wings and maginifying glass / necklace
Good job on being good for december!! weeeee~!